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How To Buy Steroids

How To Buy Steroids

How To Buy Steroids

How To Buy Steroids

I imagine that this will be one of the most popular articles ever. Before you continue I would like to remind you that I am indeed pro-choice when it comes to steroid use. Steroids, I think, should be considered the icing on the cake; without the cake there is no reason for the icing. Get a solid foundation of both body and mind before considering them. If you decide to use them, I hope that you choose to get as informed as possible about the personal and legal risks involved. Another thing to keep in mind is that, not only is it illegal to obtain steroids, it can be very difficult. It's not like you can just call up your local pharmacy and have your 'roids delivered the next morning. There is a lot time and a TON of risk involved. Most steroids are purchased on the 'Black Market' where they don't take credit cards, they don't guarantee delivery, and they don't give refunds!

Look, I don't want to deter you, nor do I want to encourage you, but I do want to challenge you to think about this decision before you make it. I suggest that, before you even attempt to get your hands on anabolic steroids, you sit down and ask yourself these questions:
How To Buy Steroids

Am I ready for steroids?

My thoughts: When you take steroids, you're literally moving to the next level in muscle growth. If you do that at too young an age, you are risking damage to your muscles, bones, and more importantly, your joints. This is especially important when you're younger and still growing. You should at least have 3 year's worth of (continuous) weightlifting experience - after you're done growing.

Can I achieve the physique I want without drugs?

Think about this one for a second. Why take the risk if you don't need to? Be honest with yourself here . . . seriously, have you even tried? What about Legal Steroids?

What are your reasons for wanting to use steroids?

Are your reasons psychological based or purely cosmetic? Not that one is better or worse than the other necessarily. Using steroids is a personal choice - don't do it for the wrong reason. The way I like to look at it is like this: What advice would you give someone else, someone you care about, that had your same reasons? Then take that advice. Trust me, I have seen it before and I know it is true; believe it or not, drugs cannot mend a broken self-esteem.

Am I willing to accept and do I understand the risk of side effects?

I am not one to preach about side effects really, but the truth is that side effects can occur, even when you have all the right things in effect to prevent them. In order to make a rational decision to do steroids, you need to accept this fact. You should know that gynecomastia is a pretty common occurrence among steroid users. And the ONLY way to get rid of it, no matter what people tell you, is through expensive surgery.

If I do the crime am I willing to do the time?

This one is self-explanatory. Steroids are as illegal as cocaine, heroine and other drugs and they aren't something you should use without a total respect for and understanding of the law. Do you realize the repercussions if you are caught with them in your possession? Are you willing to do jail time if you are convicted?

How will this affect my relationships with my family, friends, girlfriend or wife, job, etc.?

One of the most important factors, in my opinion, is how drug use can affect your relationships with the people that mean the most to you. This may or may not be an important factor to you, but it is still something that everyone should think about before they consider taking any drug, not just steroids. Use of steroids comes with significant risk of side effect; specifically psychological and emotional side effects that can lead to depression, moodiness and over aggression.

Now, once you have made the decision to purchase and use anabolic steroids, you need to look at your options. There are plenty out there and, depending on how much money you want to spend, some are probably a lot harder than you might think. Just keep in mind that typically, the amount of money you spend is indirectly proportionate to the amount of risk you take. More money = less risk.

The best way to obtain steroids is to do it legitimately. I bet you're laughing pretty loud right now huh? How the hell do I get steroids legitimately? Get them prescribed; that's how!

Unfortunately, when we are talking about getting steroids prescribed, we are only talking about the basic injectable testosterone, nandrolone, and HGH; and only at "therapeutic" doses. But that's not a bad start if it's your first cycle. No doctor is going to prescribe a Veterinary product, no matter how much you beg, but I'll tell you what, getting anything prescribed is a million times better than nothing.

Option 1) Enhancement Centers

So how do you get them prescribed? I know of a few people that actually went to their own personal physician and simply asked. Seems pretty crazy but it is possible. I wouldn't recommend it unless you have a great relationship with your doctor already. Then I would just get his opinion about it first by saying that you are thinking about doing them. If you happen to find one who is willing to monitor blood samples and help you steer clear of side effects, you'll be in the best hands possible, even if he doesn't prescribe them to you. If your personal doc isn't an option, you can find a U.S. based Enhancement clinic that will actually offer prescriptions, without visiting their facility, for qualified patients. Typically, the "qualification" is a willingness to pay the price; they are pretty pricey, but it may be worth it if you have the cash. There are resources like the Roid Report ( that keep an up-to-date list of these facilities.

Option 2) Go To Mexico

Bet you could have figured that one out for yourself! Of course, the cool thing about going to Mexico is that you can make a vacation out of it. Every popular vacation spot will have tons of pharmacies, but not all will have the steroid selection you are looking for. Your best bet is to take a trip to Southern California and then take a day trip into Tijuana (TJ). TJ is the steroid capital of the world and you will really believe me when you get there. If you can't speak Spanish, you should bring someone that can, but if you don't you will still be ok . . . you'll just likely pay a little more. Something you should keep in mind while you are down there though: the cab drivers, pharmacies, and the Mexican police are all in cahoots! If the 'pharmacists' or cabbies don't like you and they know you have purchased some steroids, they will tip off the police. I don't think it's illegal to possess steroids in Mexico so they don't have any reason to stop you except to harass you. And trust me when I say this, you don't want to mess with them! I haven't had the pleasure of seeing the inside of a Mexican jail, but I've heard stories, and you might have too - none of them are good. So when they stop you, they are looking for cash. If you offer them enough, you can walk away and probably keep your stash. Or, they might just confiscate your 'roids and let you go on your way. Then they take them back to the pharmacy and put it back on the shelf for the next American meatheads that come by. Oh . . . and then split your cash amongst themselves. Best bet, just be cool, don't make any enemies, and everything will be ok (hopefully).

Couple of tips when buying steroids in Mexico:

- Go to TJ in a car (don't walk across) during high-traffic times. The chances of having your car checked is a lot lower if there are thousands of people crossing the boarder at once. Usually evening times are pretty good. The dark is better too.

- If you're a 6'2" 250lb, solid freak, you probably shouldn't be bringing steroids across the border ever!

Option 3) Mail Order

Enhancement centers are great, but they can be expensive, charging up to $1,000 for the initial consultation! But the legal risk isn't there because you'll actually get a prescription. Going to Mexico is fun and will get you by far the best deals on drugs, but the trip can be pricey. And crossing the border with schedule III substances can be pretty fricken scary I don't care who you are! If neither of these options work for you, and your local gym isn't a Steroids-R-Us, you're probably stuck with having to use a mail order pharmacy. This is where the Internet comes in. You can get an International Pharmacy Directory, but even then, you should have access to email at the very least if you want to use it with any real success.

The first thing you need to do is find a reliable mail order supplier. This sounds a lot easier than it is. It seems like there is a new supplier every week (on the Internet) promising legit product with great prices. In the "Perfect Scenario" you would find someone that has a good variety of Mexican and Euro products, Vet and human varieties, with good prices, and that ships from within the U.S. (to avoid customs). But that isn't very realistic. In fact, if anyone says they fit this bill, you'd better walk. Your best (realistic) bet is to find someone in Mexico or Europe that ships to the U.S. And that's only ok if the U.S. customs officials haven't flagged them. Sometimes legit steroid dealers are labeled as "Scammers" when in fact they are sending product to their customers. The problem is that their packages are being seized. They get seized because the sender isn't changing his system enough. He is always using the same address or same packaging to send them. Once the customs officials see this, they can flag him and catch all his packages easily.

Here are some things to think about when buying steroids through mail order:

Overseas Shipments

Some of the best steroids come from European countries. After all, Winstrol Depot wouldn't exist if it were not for the connections "across the pond". But exclusively using European dealers is a great way to get caught, too. You have to use variety to remain truly anonymous. And Euro dealers seem to be flagged a lot quicker to boot.

Internet Indiscretion

Chatting on the Internet, without any discretion, isn't a smart idea. Querying about drug cycles is okay, but talking about 'where your sources are', or 'how much you paid' for something and 'the quantity you purchased' isn't a good idea. Create a Hotmail or Yahoo account that isn't easily traceable to you. Don't register under your real name occupation or address. Don't EVER tell anyone your real name or occupation. Always use your hotmail when you correspond with others about steroids, even if you have a legitimate email account someplace else. The best advice is to never leave a trail but even Instant Messaging and using your Hotmail address can be traced to your computer. Easier said than done, I know, but it is imperative!

Cell Phones

I know that people believe cell phones are safe, but they may not be. Certainly, they are better than using your home phone or someone else's, but they are not altogether secure and can be tapped into. I'd recommend using calling cards on pay phones. It's just better and safer. I know that sounds a bit overdoing it, but if you're doing anything illegal, you truly need to think like this.

Postal Traps

To avoid postal traps, it's really quite simple. Never have your dealer address the package directly to you! Postal traps are more common than you think. Have your supplier send your packages addressed to Sam Smith or some fake name like that. When you get your mail, simply take it inside, leave it unopened, and place it on a shelf in your hall closet. It's my understanding that if you open that package; you're admitting that the package was for you. However, if you save it on a shelf for a couple of weeks, and nothing happens or you don't notice anything suspicious outside your house, it's likely safe. But that's not always guaranteed. Also, keep in mind that packages coming from overseas attract the most attention. Packages from southern California or bigger East coast cities also are likely to be red flags, but are definitely safer.

Lack of Anonymity

Anonymity is something I can't stress enough. There isn't one dealer out there who should know your real name or home address. It's so easy to get 'rolled over on' by a dealer, and also easy to have others know your identity if you happen to deal with someone indiscreet. I always recommend sending money orders for your drugs, using another mailing address if you can, and using a fake name. It's the people who spill their guts about who they are that really get in trouble. It's harder for pros, but they typically have people buy their drugs for them so they are low profile, despite their size.

Friends Who Reappear Unexpectedly

I've seen this a few times in California, and all the time on the Internet. A guy just virtually disappears from the face of the earth for several months and then reappears and tries to buddy up to people, immediately, upon reappearing. Maybe the guy dealt drugs before his untimely departure, or maybe he just used drugs. The point is that it's an odd break with routine to leave unexpectedly without a verifiable reason and then just reappear as if nothing happened. This may have even been a good friend of yours. For a while, it's probably best not to trust him, or where he says he's been. It sounds harsh, but the truth is, it's possible that he is a federal informant trying to trade anyone and everyone for less time himself. Better to be safe than sorry.

Believe the Rumors

If you hear a rumor about someone getting arrested, and the rumor continues circulating or resurfacing, it's likely true. Steer clear of that person if you want to stay safe. You'd be surprised at what people will do when they're desperate to get out of trouble. Also, I find that the more bizarre a story is, the more likely it is to be true. The "truth is stranger than fiction" rule often applies.

Bottom line:

Buying steroids is risky; as risky as buying cocaine, heroin, ecstasy or pain meds. Not only do you have the legal ramifications to think about, you have to worry about getting ripped off (steroid dealers don't take credit cards and if you find one the does, don't give them yours!) you also have to worry about getting clean, legit product. And why take that risk when there are so many steroid alternatives out there that are legit and work very well? Ok, they aren't "steroids" but there are some products that are very close! And don't forget that even the cleanest, most powerful steroid in the world can increase your gains by 20% at best. Building muscle takes hard work and dedication over a long time. Yes, I believe steroids can be good but are they good for you? That's your decision.
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How To Buy Steroids