How To Attract Men With A Dynamite First Impression!

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First impressions are extremely important. They can make or break a man's interest in you and may affect his opinion on you for further interactions to come. In fact elderly people tend to remember their husband's or wife's just as when they first saw them. The beautiful smile, the wonderful laugh, and the way he or she walked away from them are all things that you will find an elderly person talking about. They do not focus on the wrinkles that the years have added on now but instead the first impression of their love. It's that important!
So if you have a man in your sights then remember to make that first impression count! Try to view what he sees when he looks at you and picture what he would tell everyone about you when he gets older. Here are a few things to take into consideration.
1. Smile
Most people remember their partners smile from when they first met. Smiling is contagious and will make him feel good about you and himself around you when you are smiling and happy.
Many women try to hide their smile for whatever reason. They make an attempt to show pleasure but think they look silly when they beam with an all-out smile. This is not true. In fact, everyone looks better with a genuine smile on their face. So if you are happy then smile naturally and he will remember it as a part of you.
2. Laugh
Laugher is an extension to smiling but he will remember both of them separately. Don't stifle your laugh to be quieter or less extreme than normal but instead let it all come out. Laughter is the best medicine in life and it also makes an imprint in his head that will have him thinking about your for a long time to come.
3. Body Language
Most of what we say to someone is with our body language, so make sure you are saying all the right things with it! Be open and inviting with your body. Do not close yourself off. And use a lot of eye contact in your first impression as this is the center of body language. Everything you need to say can be said with your eyes and the imprint it will leave with a man is huge. In fact, you will hear many people talk about their lover's eyes from that first impression. So get out those flirty and sexy eyes and use them.
4. Attitude
You may be smiling and laughing, but if you are talking about the girl who got dumped and then lost her home in a fire you are not going to come off as attractive to a man. You want to portray a positive attitude that he will remember and want to know more about. Don't complain, whine, or bad-mouth anyone in a first impression.
5. Confidence
Confidence is attractive and sexy. If you portray confidence in a first impression then he will always remember you for being the confident person you were. Even if you don't feel it try thinking it. Tell yourself that you have a lot to offer this man and that you are a great catch, and remember that there is no reason for him not to be attracted to you. It will shine through your body language and he will remember it.
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