How To Attain A Payment Without Waiting Forever

Share: With the ever rising cost of health care in the country up to today
, many people are finding themselves at a disadvantage or not insured at all. When accidents or unforeseen occurrences happen they find themselves unable to get the kind of treatment that they need immediately. Personal injury liens (PIL) will solve all these problems without too many problems occurring. Also adding to the cost of treatments will be the way that medical accounts receivable are handled and this too is fast becoming a hindrance.
Most healthcare providers are now a bit wary of offering treatment to those who are connected to a PLI. The problem is that they will sometimes have to wait for several years to get paid if at all and this can cause liquidity problems. Court cases take an inordinate amount of time to be settled and if the majority of their business is done this way then it is easy to see that the business could sink under the weight of waiting for payment of unpaid or pending bills.
Third party companies have now put into operation a great service to pay for any treatment that is given within thirty days. They are really a one stop shop for the provider to use to counteract this problem and they normally guarantee to pay the bill within thirty days, no questions asked.
What they then do is to pursuer the outstanding amount from the insurance company even if it takes many months or even years to sort out. If the damage caused is the subject of a failed court case, then this third party company will lose the money and not the provider. Of course, they charge a fee for this but what it does is to open up the availability of patients to providers who would usually steer clear of such cases. The patient wins because they get the treatment they need right up front with no cost to them and in good time to stop the condition deteriorating. The provider wins because they can offer their services to a wider client base knowing full well that they will not lose the money after some time. The provider also wins in that surgeons and doctors are far more willing to use their facilities if they know that this kind of scheme is in operation because they will also be paid after such short time.

Share: This third party then buys up all the business connected to this type of funding and handles all the relevant procedures. They take it upon themselves to do all the debt collecting and take the risk of losing should the payments be delayed or not come at all for one reason or another. Because of this the provider can actually take on a lot more work which usually gets sidelined like victim of dog bites, automobile accidents or those who want to have implants for whatever reason. Defective products which cause damage are also covered along with some other damage claims that usually scare off providers for obvious reasons.
by: Connor Sullivan
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