How To Alleviate Actual Menopausal Symptoms

Share: Menopause begins in your early 40s as your ovaries gradually produce less and less of the hormone estrogen
. Your periods become erratic sometimes skipping a month or alternating between light and heavy. There are several reasons. Women often put tremendous demands on their bodies, much more stress than it was designed to handle, and then do not give it the support it needs. Women have demanding and stressful careers. There are family responsibilities. The relationship with the spouse or partner may not be the best. Aging parents can add to the burden. All of these and other responsibilities are cumulative in the toll they take on the body and health of a woman.
The whole notion of returning to old fashioned herbal treatments and folk remedies has a certain comforting, romantic appeal. Some of the herbal medicines which are being rediscovered have been used to treat a range of ailments for literally thousands of years. There is a commonly held belief that medicines derived from natural sources are necessarily free from the risk of negative side effects, harmful interactions and allergic reactions. This is simply not true. Whatever kind of medication you choose to take, its essential that you fully understand how it works, what dosage level is appropriate for you, and what objective research has been done on its effectiveness and its potential hazards.
What are Hormone Treatments?
Hormone replacement therapy treatments occur when women undergoing menopause have "ovaries that decrease production of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone." There are both benefits and risks associated with hormone replacement therapies. Several long-term benefits, according to the Mayo Clinic are as follow:

Share: *Prevention and decreased risk of developing osteoporosis
*A decreased risk of colorectal cancer
*Decreasing the onset of heart disease among many patients
First, here is a list of the most common 34 menopause symptoms. Take a moment to consider each one, as some are subtle and at first glance may appear to have no relation to being menopause symptoms:
1 - Aching joints and muscles
2 - Dizziness, lightheadedness
3 - Breast tenderness
4 - Uterine fibroids
5 - Cold or tingling hands or feet
6 - Ringing or buzzing in ears (tinnitus)
7 - Lack of concentration, foggy fuzzy thinking, memory lapses
8 - Facial hair growth
9 - Dry, thin or wrinkly skin
10 - Endometriosis
11 - Heavy or light periods
12 - Fibrocystic breasts
13 - Hair loss, thinning hair
14 - Headaches, migraines
15 - Heart palpitations
16 - Depression, anxiety and mood swings
17 - Hot flashes
18 - Incontinence
19 - Irregular periods
20 - Irritatibility, inability to handle stress
21 - Craving sweets, caffeine, carbohydrates and unstable blood sugar levels
22 - Leg cramps
23 - Low metabolism
24 - Lower sex drive, loss of sex drive
25 - PMS and menstrual cramping
26 - Night sweats
27 - Osteoporosis
28 - Chronic fatigue and morning sluggishness
29 - Sleep disturbances, insomnia
30 - Spotting, light bleeding
31 - Symptoms of hypothyroidism with normal T3 and T4 levels
32 - Urinary tract and yeast infections
33 - Allergy symptoms
34 - Water retention and unexplained weight gain, especially in hips, waist and stomach

Share: Last, but not least, we come to herbal treatments. Beans and certain other plants have a mild estrogenic activity in their makeup thanks to "phytoestrogens." These are compounds that include isoflavins, lignans, phytoseterols and saponins. In additional to helping your body through menopause, animal experiments show they are significantly effective in preventing tumors of the breast tissue.
Without sending you off for a medical dictionary to understand the compounds listed above, here are some of the foods and herbs that contain healthy compounds: Soy, black cohosh, licorice, alfalfa, chaste berry, Chinese angelica, red clover, strawberry, celery stalks, dates, elder, false unicorn root, fennel, Honduran sarsaparilla, ladys slipper, life root, Mexican wild yams, passion flower, pomegranates and sassafras.
The foods, of course, are available from your local grocery. Visit your local health food store where you should be able to find the herbs and methods to include them in your daily diet.
by: Dr. Mital John
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