How The Vervical Mucus Increases the Chance of Getting Pregnant
How The Vervical Mucus Increases the Chance of Getting Pregnant
There are a lot of ways which can increase the chance on how to get pregnant fast. There are natural ways and there are those too thatcost a lot of money. There are a lot of couples who wants to get pregnant s fast as possible but failed to do so. There are many methods that ensure a great chance of conceiving.
For the purpose of this article, I will focus on one concept. This concept will give an ideafor couples aboutthe timing to conceive a boy or a girl.
To get pregnant, ovulation is the key. There are three ways to know when ovulation occurs. It is by checking the state of the cervical mucus, checking the basal body temperature and through the use of the ovulation kits. Share:
The cervical mucus is the substance that is produced by the cervical glands. The changes in the cervical mucus helps determine the time of ovulation in women. It is important because ovulation plays important role in pregnancy.
When the ovulation is near, changes appear in the mucus. The cervical mucus tends to be watery and elastic that signals that ovulation is near. Sexual intercourse during this time will increase the chance of getting pregnant. It is also important that sexual intercourse should be 12 hours before ovulation because the egg cell will only survive for 24 hours in the woman body.
Since sperms lives a long time inside the woman, it is helpful to create an environment that can extend the survival of the sperms. The sperms usually live for at least 5 to 6 days. Sexual intercourse should be done when the time of the ovulation is near. This will ensure that it has a great chance of conceiving. Also, the egg cell will only last for 12 to 24 hours before ovulation. It is important to have the sperms ready waiting for fertilization.
One way to make the cervical mucus to be of high quality is by drinking a lot of water. Drink water of at least 8 to 10 glasses per day. This will help increase the quality of the cervical mucus. Eating healthy foods such as baby carrots can also be helpful. Carrots contain Vitamin A that helps improves the amount and the quality of the mucus.
When these are satisfied, try positions to get pregnant. Since then, couples are assured that giving birth to a male or female child will be expected soon.