Online advertising has impacted greatly on the recruitment market so much so that
recruiters now have a wide range of choices when it comes to allocating their budgets.
Furthermore, online advertising has been very successful in its ability to be able to engage with audiences more so than many other mediums. In terms of the recruitment market, the National Online Recruitment Audience Survey (NORAS) revealed that over 72% of online job seekers applied for jobs that they had found online, of these 65% had received interview invitations for these jobs and furthermore 56% of those applicants had received job offers as a result of the interviews.
This clearly shows that online recruitment is extremely helpful for both employers and employees. It can be said that until now online advertising has been mainly implemented as a direct response through pay-per-click advertising. Despite this, the increase in demand has dictated a move up to the next level with a higher focus on branding opportunities through online resources such as video ads, CV database searches and sponsorship.
One of the main strengths of online advertising is the fact that it is very easy to measure. The measurements that you can take are those of the number of users and the extent of browsing.
Despite this clear benefit, there are a number of disadvantages which you need to be aware of such as click-fraud and artificial computerised activity which can inflate the number of visitors accessing the website.
Furthermore, to ensure that youre online recruitment advertising is successful here are a number of tips to make your advertisement stand out from the crowd:
Sponsor keyword searches.
Improve the accuracy of targeted emails and be more specific and try to avoid generics such as event management.
Ensure the advert makes good reference to the employer brand.
Think of ideas that go beyond the advert and select your search terms carefully to maximise search engine optimization (SEO).
Ensure that the job listing gives candidates all the information about the role such as salary, job duties and location.
Structure the advert according to the job board.
Ensure that applying for jobs on the site is easy.