How Much Will I Pay For Insurance
When you purchase auto insurance, you need to be sure that the coverage you are buying is sufficient for your particular situation
. How much will I pay for insurance is a good question. Even your age and your surroundings will be factors in determining the amount of coverage you need.
Each state has a required liability amount that drivers need to have in their insurance policies. Aside from this, you need to take into account the are in which you live. If it is, for example a high crime area, you might want to add comprehensive coverage to your policy. This way, if your car is stolen or vandalized, you will be covered. A simple liability insurance policy may not cover any of that situation.
If you live in an upscale neighborhood, you might consider that if you damage the front lawn of someone's property, the cost may be much more than your coverage allows for. For example, in California, your liability coverage may be $20,000. If you are in an accident that tears up someone's landscaping, the damage to their property alone may be more than the $20,000 that you are covered for.
When you purchase a new car, your lender will require you to carry collision on your auto insurance policy. This is because an accident involving a newer car can be very costly. A fender bender will probably add up, and you will need this additional coverage.
If you are under age twenty-five, your insurance will most likely be very expensive. Statistics have shown that young people under this age are not very responsible. They have been proven to cause many unnecessary accidents.
In the case of an accident, your basic liability policy will cover a certain amount for the other driver's vehicle and property, as well as the other driver's medical bills. It also covers anyone else in the other vehicle. Their policy will cover you and your medical bills. In the case of a catastrophic accident, this coverage is usually not enough, and the remainder of the cost will come out of the drivers.
Some states now have the no fault type of policy. In this case, your insurance may cover the damage incurred, no matter whose fault it is. In any case, a good driver record will usually get you better rates. It shows that you are responsible, and your insurance company will consider this when writing up your policy. This will also determine how much you will pay for auto insurance.
by: Lance Thorington
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