16 year olds are very young to get a car and an insurance of their own; however there
are companies which will provide for this service and at very high rates. It is considered that youngsters are more like to get into an accident and be a liability to the insurance company than a grown up person. Young people believe that they will never get into an accident or cause any damage to the car but they are wrong and statistics and experience from all these years proves this. So the question still persists that how much does insurance cost for a 16 year old? We would say very expensive and one should opt for better options. Below, we're going to look at some of the options that are available.
Parents should allow their teenagers to drive the family car and get the teenagers name registered on the insurance policy as a second driver. This is a much cheaper options than getting a new car for the 16 year old and then getting an all new insurance policy for it. Children who drive sports cars pay much more for the insurance as the power and speed of the car is more and hence closer to having an accident. Teenager car insurances can even cost twice the actual price of the car.
Depending on the models and age of the car the insurance can cost up to 8000 dollars or even more. The best thing to do is get your kids registered in the insurance of the family car and allow them to drive occasionally under your guidance.
To get lower costs for insurance for your 16 year old, few requisites should be followed then your question of how much does insurance cost for a 16 year old will be answered correctly. When selecting the car for your kid, get a one which is cheap and not a sports one.
Fast cars attract more premiums. Plus the risk of an accident will be reduced as well. Teen drivers may get discounts for good school grades. Discounts such as new car discount, multiple policy discount and driver's education discounts are also available. Entitle your teen for those and play safe. Ask your teenager to drive safely.
Driving safely and not getting any speeding tickets will create a clean record of driving for the teen and hence reduce the successive premiums. Always search the internet and get quotes for the car from various companies, compare and buy should be the policy.