How Mineralife's Minerals and Alkalizer Drops Work Together

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Recent studies prove, without a doubt, that an alkaline environment in the body will deter diseases of any sort from manifesting in the body. Maintaining an alkaline environment is vital to human health, and those with a highly acidic diet will inevitably be riddled with disease such as osteoporosis and cancer.
Not only do you need to ensure that the food you eat has a high pH level, but the mineral and vitamin supplements you take should also have a high pH in order to promote wellness in the body.
Mineralife's Alkalizer Drops are a highly concentrated solution of sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide. This combination has such a high pH level in and of itself, that only two drops must be added to a glass of water to significantly raise its pH. As such, Alkalizer Drops instantly works to raise your body's overall pH levels.
Alkalizing your body will produce not only immediate benefits, but also increased health in later years. Acne, indigestion, and acid reflux will lessen in severity, and there are even claims that an alkaline diet is beneficial to cancer patients! Unfortunately, an alkaline-based diet alone is usually not enough to fight acidosis in the body, and additional measures, such as Alkalizer Drops, are often needed.
Mineralife's mineral supplements, as well, have an alkalizing affect on the body. Each of the minerals and mineral formulas are quickly absorbed into the body, thanks to the tiny, Angstrom-sized molecules. As the minerals enter the bloodstream, and the body's cells, they often raise the body's pH levels.
When combined with Mineralife's Alkalizer Drops, our mineral supplements' affects are exponentially increased. No longer does the mineral supplement have to fight acidosis on its own; it now has a "friend" (the alkalizer drops) that lowers the body's pH levels, allowing the mineral to be used for other functions, such as increasing cellular respiration and DNA production.
The efficacy of using a mineral supplement (and these supplements providing a usable form of these minerals) is supported by this June 2009 study published in the Nutrition Journal, "Effect of a supplement rich in alkaline minerals on acid-base balance in humans". The study concluded "that the ingestion of a multi-mineral supplement is associated with both a significant increase in blood and urinary pH".
In order to achieve optimum health, it is important to remember that vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients work together synergistically. Everything in the body and in life in general, is about balance, and when you provide your body with a balanced diet, supplemented with alkaline vitamin and mineral supplements, your body will be stronger and more able to fight infection and disease. Keeping the body's pH levels high, in addition, will do much to increase the health of your body.
It is vital to conduct thorough research before choosing a mineral supplement. Most supplements on the market today are produced with such large molecular size that they cannot be adequately absorbed. Mineralife's special technology that allows mineral supplements to be created in Angstrom-sized particles, are quickly and easily absorbed and utilized in the human body; therefore, the effect of the minerals is more quickly seen. Those taking Mineralife products will begin to feel and look better within a short amount of time of using the products, and will quickly notice a difference in the health of their bodies.
If you are looking for
liquid mineral supplements it's important to work with a company that has a proven track record. Mineralife is well known nationwide for its high quality minerals supplements including their brand new
Alkalizer Drops. Download your FREE copy of Minerals: What your body needs and why.
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