How Many Ways Do You Know To Save On Car Insurance?
Share: Ignorance About Car Insurane Can Be Costly!
Let's face it, paying for car insurance is not on the top of anyone's list. Car insurance is something everyone has to pay, if they own a car. Most people don't even realize they are probably paying too much for car insurance, and there are things they could do RIGHT NOW to lower their car insurance rates. Don't be one of those naive people who just keep paying too much for insurance, day in and day out. There are things you can do to save big on car insurance. Find out the tips and tricks of car insurance right here!
So many types of car insurance! What insurance do I really need?
Do you finance your car? If so, you probably need to carry full car insurance, meaning liability, collision, and comprehensive insurance. Lenders are very careful with their investments - they want to make sure a car is repaired in case of an auto accident. For those of you who finance, there are other ways for you to save on car insurance. For those who OWN their own car, you have more options. Almost all states require some level of liability car insurance, but you can decide if you want to pay for collision or comprehensive insurance. If you're a good driver, and you have an older or "cheap" car, you may decide that liability is sufficient insurance. It's important to weigh the cost of your car insurance against the value of the car. Some people save hundreds each year because they carry only liability. This can be a smart move to put cash back in your pocket!
Share: Raising your deductible is another great way to save!
Even if you have to pay for full car insurance you can still save a bundle by raising your deductible on your insurance. Why pay hundreds on a low deductible when the chances of getting in an auto accident are rare? This is a great option to save on car insuranc especially if you have a good driving record. Car insurance doesn't have to be as expensive as we make it! Do you have any idea how much you can save on car insurance if you just raise your deductible from $250 to $1000? A ton!
Bundling car insurance is the way to go.
Always, always bundle your car insurance with your life and home insurance. Insurance companies give you a much better deal when you bundle with the same insurance company.
Last, but not least, the BEST way to save on car insurance!
Get online and COMPARE car insurance quotes to save cash! It's a quick and easy way to compare your car insurance rates and see who will give you the best deal. Google "car insurance quotes" and you'll soon be on your way to saving BIG BUCKS on your car insurance!
Check out these tips and see how much you can save on car insurance!
by: Newton Lomeli
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