How Long Should It Take To Get Pregnant?
Share: If you are wondering how long should it take to get pregnant
, then there is no definitive answer as it can vary from couple to couple. There are many factors which can influence the length of time it takes, including your ages, how healthy you are, the health of your reproductive organs and the frequency of intercourse.
Some women will become pregnant within the first month of trying and it can take much longer for others. This can happen even when there is no discernible differences between the couples in terms to the factors which affect fertility.
The majority of couples will achieve a pregnancy within about a year (84%) providing they have regular intercourse without contraception and there are no adverse factors. Within 2 years, this figure will rise to 92%.
As women age, the less fertile they become. To give you an example, if you are 35, the 94% will become pregnant within 3 years whereas at 38, the percentage falls to 77%-quite a dramatic drop, and bear in mind that this figure continues to decrease year on year. Although the effects of aging on a man's fertility are not as well documented, there is evidence to show that it does decrease with age, albeit not in such a dramatic way as for a woman.
For those who want to know how long should it take to get pregnant, your general health is an important factor. Those who eat a healthy diet are more likely to conceive quickly, with those consuming refined carbohydrates, sugars and trans fats taking longer. There is also evidence to suggest that caffeine, alcohol, tobacco and certain prescription drugs can inhibit conception.
For some couples, who are experiencing problems conceiving, and want to know how long should it take to get pregnant, seeking expert help could be worthwhile. Rather than leaving matters completely to chance, it makes sense to implement a tried and tested method which is guaranteed to work.
Please see below.
by: Francine Parker
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