How Is Mesothelioma Diagnosed?
How Is Mesothelioma Diagnosed?
How Is Mesothelioma Diagnosed?
How Is Mesothelioma Diagnosed?
Diagnosing mesothelioma can be difficult since there are many conditions that cause similar symptoms. Your physician will first take a careful history, especially questioning you about your employment history, and then perform a physical exam. Imaging studies are often done, and may include x-rays of your chest and abdomen, CT scans, MRI scans or PET scans.
If your doctor suspects mesothelioma, she will need to schedule a biopsy. Depending upon the location of your tumor, she may recommend a thoracoscopy or video-assisted thoracoscopy (VAT), a procedure where a tissue sample is taken from the pleura, or a peritoneoscopy, a similar procedure to obtain tissue from the abdomen. If the biopsy reveals mesothelioma, further studies are then done to determine the stage of the cancer (how advanced it is).
Stages of Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is divided into 2 primary stages:
* Localized (Stage 1) With localized mesothelioma, the cancer is confined to the mesothelium the pleura with pleural mesothelioma, or the peritoneum with peritoneal mesothelioma
* Advanced (Stage 2, 3, and 4) Mesothelioma is considered advanced if it has spread to the lymph nodes, or other organs including the lungs
What Can I Do to Prevent Mesothelioma?
The most important thing you can do to prevent mesothelioma is to use appropriate precautions if you are exposed to asbestos at work. OSHA has asbestos safety standards for individuals who may be exposed on the job. If you work with asbestos, it is important to follow these guidelines to minimize your families exposure as well. Asbestos insulation in homes is usually not a problem, unless it is damaged or disturbed by remodeling projects. If you may have asbestos insulation (homes built prior to 1950) make sure to hire a contractor certified in asbestos management before you begin any home improvement projects.
How Is Mesothelioma Treated?
Depending on the size and location of your tumor, and if it has spread, treatment options may include:
* Surgery Surgery may be considered, especially if the tumor is caught at an early stage. Types of surgery include:
o Pleurectomy With a pleurectomy, a portion of the pleura is removed
o Extrapleural pneumonectomy A portion of the pleura is removed, as well as a portion of the pericardium (heart lining), diaphragm (muscle separating the chest and abdomen) and the lung
* Chemotherapy A combination of a chemotherapy medication and a targeted therapy may improve survival.
* Radiation Therapy Radiation therapy is occasionally used as a palliative treatment for mesothelioma, a treatment that does not cure cancer, but can make you more comfortable. It may also be used after surgery to kill any remaining cancer cells.
* Clinical Trials Several clinical trials are in progress, evaluating new ways to treat mesothelioma.
Living With Mesothelioma
On top of the heartbreak a diagnosis of cancer brings, many people with mesothelioma lack the emotional and psychosocial support that those with other forms of cancer find readily available. In addition, medico-legal battles related to asbestos exposure on-the-job can be emotionally draining. Participating in a support group, either through your cancer center, community, or online, can help you wade through the maze of treatment options, and find camaraderie in others who are living with mesothelioma. get more here at
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