What causes lung cancer a dreadful disease that seems to have no mercy on the lives
of those affected? Research shows that a lung cancer prognosis in many patients doesnt exceed five years. This is disheartening at best. Being given a diagnosis such as this leaves the patient thinking what causes lung cancer?
What causes any type of cancer is really still a mystery. However there are suspicions about what causes lung cancer and there are suggested risks. Whenever lung cancer is discussed, the great risk factor focused on is smoking. Nowadays not only is tobacco use considered a risk for lung cancer but second-hand smoke or environmental tobacco smoke is also considered to be a risk. Other suspected causes of lung cancer are exposure to materials such as radon, asbestos and industrial substances such as arsenic. Some organic chemical are considered to be a risk for lung cancer. Radiation exposure, air pollution and tuberculosis are also suspected regarding what causes lung cancer.
It the cause or lung cancer was known with certainty, perhaps a cure could be found for this awful disease. Patients would be able to look to the future without the fear of premature death. What causes lung cancer? Many things are considered to be causes and for this reason these risks should be avoided. Staying away from these risk factors should definitely decrease a persons chances of being diagnosed with lung cancer. Research has shown that men who smoke increase their chances of dying from lung cancer at a rate of more than twenty-two time of men who dont smoke. Research also shows that women who smoke increase their risk of death from lung cancer by a rate of more than twelve times of women who dont smoke. Research has also shown that women who dont smoke are more likely to be diagnosed with lung cancer than men who are non-smokers. These are all facts and figures discovered through research. What causes lung cancer? It could be one of these risk factors and for that reason people should follow the advice offered regarding lung cancer prevention.