I make money online by writing. A great deal of people cannot see how I can manage to do this as they cannot comprehend how anyone can make money online with writing anything. However, I can attest to the fact that this can be done and I have made a living at it for quite some time now. Anyone can do this, although many people think that they have to be somewhat of a great writer in order to even try.
I never delude myself into thinking that I am some sort of literary genius. I think I can write well enough for the internet and for copy on websites, just as good as anyone else, but do not think that I am the next F. Scott Fitzgerald. You can make money online in the same way, but you do not want to make any mistakes that many people make when they embark on this type of activity.
One thing that I found as I make money online writing Is that there are quite a bit of scams out there directed at people like me who write for a living. You can forget about fiction writing and how to make money in this way, along with poetry that will usually get you nowhere. The way to make money online with writing is usually found in internet marketing and consists of writing articles and blogs that will help the website for which you are writing raise in the search engine rankings, thus getting them more business.
When I make money online, I get the money through my merchant account. This is the easiest way to get paid for what I do. There are those who pay through these accounts as well as those who pay by check. I have friends who are also writers and many of them make money online by writing but are working for local agencies that pay by check.
You start out when you are writing by selling a few articles here and there. The site that you write for will determine the price of the articles that you are writing. Some sites pay more money than others and there are those that pay you for how many views you get on the article. If you are being paid on views, then you want to do what you can do to promote your article and can do this on social networking pages such as Facebook.
You also need to know that you are looking for writing work and should always be looking for writing jobs when you want to make money online. Some of the jobs will work better than others while others will peter out after a point of time. You can do well in this type of endeavor if you continue to write regularly and continue to look for legitimate jobs that allow you to make money online while writing. You can even get a source that will tell you everything that you need to know when it comes to making money online while writing that can be extremely helpful to you as it was to me when I was first getting started.