How Haughty and arrogant can we be to God who gave us life and brains and means of subsistence?
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How Haughty and arrogant can we be to God who gave us life and brains and means of subsistence?
When I was at the university I met by chance an instructor at the university canteen. After the usual human acknowledgements we spoke about petty subjects for a brief time. Then, I asked this learned man about his reaction to life and whether there is a purpose. He twisted his head to the side and said he was not sure.
When pressing him to react to the subject of a God. He made it clear that he was an agnostic and did not believe in God. He said he was not in need for a God. I have met before many school teachers and many of them were socialists and did not believe in God. But this university instructor showed particular signs of arrogance and haughtiness, coupled with a cock like self-conceit.
He did not need a God for simply there is no need for a God. He was alive, full of health and strength. He ate and drank, he walked and worked. He had a small family, a flat and a car. So where is the need for God in all this?
Like the genius mathematician Laplace who declared in answering Napoleon Bonaparte who wanted to know what place did Laplace give to God in his work, he said, Sire, I do not need this hypothesis for my work.' What arrogance Laplace had for denying the place of God in his work? His whole work, as his very existence are totally dependant on God, otherwise, who has put his atoms together, and that of the universe, his prime subject of study and conclusion for his mathematical formulas?
He did not reflect for a moment that without the universe and its laws, mathematicas and all sciences there cannot be no discoveries of thetype, scientific or otherwise,and especially the science of mathematics?
When asking the instructor about his feelings toward prayers to God. He said, even if I acknowledge God I shallnot bow down my headprayers for Him. He precised, prayers meant too much abasement and lowering oneself to God and he did not want to lower his head to God.
But, how on earth can a human being, made of one Dollar formula substances, refuse to bow down in humbless and acknowledgment to the power that assembled his atoms together, gave him life and all means of subsistence, provided for him with life conditions and gave him brains, eventhough he does not use it,to think and survive and acknowledge?
How can one who depends for his being, birth, growth, adulthood and maturity, health and means of sustenance on a power that must have provided all for him, be so arrogant not to acknowledge inhumbleness such blessings?
If a person says hello to you feel you ought to respond, otherwise you feel somewhat guilty and haughty. But, if this person gives you a hand in doing something then you feel you ought to be thankful.
Then, how can you be, if some one gave you life, mind to think, eyes to see, ears to hear and hands to work and manage your life, not be thankful and express it by your gratitude? Well, lots of humans have this haughty attitude. They think they know everything and they are the wisest of creatures. Man is a self-conceited cock boaster.
This ,I knew very well and as life it goes on I discover more and more that the greatest majority of the people I met in my travels, from the USA to China, were conceited and arrogant, not to forget being haughty. It suffices that you pose a question to anyone and see the haughty reaction of all knowing and all intelligence, men and women both alike.
But, arrogance and self-conceit make man rebellion and rejecting. Satan and Adam and Eve were expulsed out of the garden, if we believe in what religion tells us, for being haughty and hence rebellion.
Look at humans around you, from politicians, rich people, people of position and honors, how haughty and conceited they are?
Why can't we be humble to the power that hasassembled our atoms togetherand gave us life and all our means of subsistence?
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How Haughty and arrogant can we be to God who gave us life and brains and means of subsistence?