How Do I Remove the Se - 2011 - payment com - How to Perform a Se - 2011 - payment com Removal

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What is is a browser hijacker that promotes malware called Security Essentials 2011, is a fake anti-malware software that shows false scan results in order to scare customers into purchasing their rogue program. This fake software is displayed through fake online scanners that tells your computer is infected with virus. It may be also promoted on p2p networks. Once installed, will start a system scan and report numerous false security threats.
Your home page has been changed without your permission? It means your home page has been hijacked. This article keeps discussing how to fix your hijacked homepage.

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Sometimes you want to download some programs from internet and that may lead to the homepage hijacking. The developers of the programs that you want are possible to bundle their programs with some website address to make profits. That way, you have to face an awkward dilemma. If you want to use the program, you have to bear your favorite homepage to be hijacked. Of course, uninstalling those not quite bright programs will give your home page back. As a saying goes, "You cannot have your cake and eat it." It is recommended to read the guide of the program carefully when you decide to install a program; otherwise, you shouldn't be surprised by your homepage being hijacking.
Now there's a couple of ways to remove You can use a legitimate spyware removal tool or remove it manually by following the procedure below.
Stop these processes:
Locate And Delete Registry Entries
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogonshell
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerPhishingFilter
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftSecurity CenterAntiVirusDisableNotify
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftSecurity CenterFirewallDisableNotify
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftSecurity CenterUpdatesDisableNotify
Delete Processes Files
%Documents and Settings%[User_Name]DesktopSecurity Essentials 2011.lnk
%Documents and Settings%[User_Name]Start MenuSecurity Essentials 2011.lnk
%Documents and Settings%[User_Name]Application DataMicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick LaunchSecurity Essentials 2011.lnk
%Documents and Settings%[User_Name]Application DataSecurity Essentials 2011
%Documents and Settings%[User_Name]Application DataSecurity Essentials 2011SE2010.exe
%Documents and Settings%[User_Name]Application DataSecurity Essentials 2011[random characters]
%Documents and Settings%[User_Name]Application DataSecurity Essentials 2011[random_letters][random_characters].cfg
A highly recommended tool to remove is RegistryQuick which is available for free at http://www.FIX-ERRORS-PC.INFO Before you try other programs, give RegistryQuick a try! You will be surprised!
You can easily get rid of by clicking http://www.FIX-ERRORS-PC.INFO
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How Do I Remove the Se - 2011 - payment com - How to Perform a Se - 2011 - payment com Removal