How Do I Check My PH For A Girl Or Boy Baby?

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I often write articles for couples who are trying to control whether they conceive a girl or boy baby. One of the most important variables in this process is vaginal pH. So, people often ask me exactly how to take or determine their levels. In the following article, I will describe how this works and will tell you how to best get your reading.
How To Determine Your Vaginal pH Reading: Step By Step: You'll really only need one piece of equipment for this process. You'll need PH strips that you can get at health food stores, nutrition shops, or online. Next, you will need to get a sample of either your vaginal discharge, saliva, or urine. How you do this really depends on what you feel is most comfortable for and works best for you. Some women will use a clean Q tip to transfer the discharge, urine, or saliva to the PH testing strip. Others will carefully extract the fluids directly onto the strip.
Once you've gotten the fluid onto the strip, wait for a couple of minutes to look at the results. Most strips will come with a color chart. The strip will change colors and this is how you get your result. Simply compare the color on your strip and match it up with the closest color on the chart to get your corresponding reading.

Share: Also, please note that it can help to read the instructions carefully. Some brands of the strips are specifically made for different types of bodily fluids. For example, some are only meant to test urine or saliva and some can also work with vaginal discharge. And, you might notice that your level varies depending on what you eat or what time of the day it is. This is normal. You can either use one regular and constant time period to test or you can take the average. But generally, you can easily see a pattern or trend.
How Your pH Reading Influences Whether You Conceive A Boy Or A Girl: The reason that your pH reading is important is that an acidic reading makes you more likely to get a baby girl. And, a reading that is more alkaline means that, at least in terms of this one variable, you are more likely to conceive a boy baby. The reason for this is that an environment that is too acidic is hostile to the boy producing or Y sperm while an alkaline environment is more gentle to them, (and they often need this to ensure that as many of them as possible can race for the egg.)
So, if you are trying for a daughter, you are hoping for an acidic reading. And, if you are trying for a son, you are hoping for an alkaline reading. But, don't get discouraged if your color isn't what you were hoping for. With a decent plan, further testing, and some patience, you can often change your PH and get it to where you need it to be before you attempt to conceive.
Why pH Is Often Not The Only Thing That You Need To Worry About In Terms Of Your Baby's Gender: As I've alluded to, PH is is only one variable that matters. Controlling or changing your PH can certainly help you to chose your baby's gender. But, there will likely be some Y or boy producing sperm that will survive an acidic environment and some X or girl producing sperm will most certainly make it in an alkaline environment.
So, you will usually also want to use both specific timing and different sexual positions to reach your goals as well. Intercourse that happens before ovulation favors conceiving girls. And sex after ovulation makes you more likely to conceive a boy. Also, the sexual intercourse positions that you use can play a roll also.

Share: I've put together a few websites that take a lot of the guess work out of quickly becoming pregnant and choosing your baby's gender. You'll find step by step instructions, and examples of ovulation predictors and PH testing strips. You'll also see resources for determining ovulation times and controlling your pH. And, there are tips and support also.
If you want a boy baby, check out
If you want a girl baby, check out
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