How Do Coupons "win-win" In Online Stores?

Share: Unfortunately, those who tend to make purchases over the Internet are trained to find coupons on the web and then, when potential buyers look at Google coupons codes determined of a brand, the top of the search are affiliate sites. As a result, online stores end up absorbing the cost of the coupons and the commission members, all for a customer who was already with his cart next to complete your purchase.
For online stores that have a box for a discount coupon on every page of the book and who do not use coupons, hide this box will likely result in an increase in conversions. In A/B testing we have done, remove the box half the customers resulted in a 3% increase in conversions.
However, most online stores use coupons as part of their marketing activities, therefore, hide the box for the discount coupon is not advisable.
Here are some strategies that will be effective coupons for both online store and the buyer:
1. Show the box for the coupon when completing the order:
At this stage, prospective buyers are more committed to the purchase process, and therefore, is unlikely to leave the place to find a coupon or to leave the shopping cart. The disadvantage is that customers have come to think a coupon that they can use to not see the box for the coupon to start shopping.
2. Time-based offers: increase conversion rate:
The old strategy of putting a time limit on an offer also gives internet outcome. In an A/B testing of new visitors on a Google Adwords campaign, the results showed that conversions increased approximately 20% to those buyers who saw the countdown window.
3. Add a link to current promotions along with the coupon code:
An excellent resource to minimize the possibility that buyers open a new browser window in search of a more valuable coupon is allowing them to see the available codes. This is precisely what makes "Pets at Home". Although online stores could end giving discount coupons to customers who have not requested, just increase the number of buyers to show their great offer discount coupons and this is preferable to losing income.
4. Using segmentation, targeting and positioning to optimize the distribution of coupons:
With current online targeting technologies, and not necessary the publication and distribution of coupon codes as in the past. Online stores can now focus on users who receive coupons to enter certain parameters on the product page or URL reference, thus proceeds to identify the source of traffic and creating a rule applicable that segment. Campaigns even offline marketing can target buyers from a specific URL instead of posting the code on it. Thus, online stores can configure rules that define the segments, such loyal customers by clicking a newsletter or coming from a specific advertising campaign, determine the coupons available and define what is hidden segments box for the coupon.
The coupons have historically been a solid marketing strategy both to reward loyal customers and to encourage the introduction of new products. However, with the almost uncontrollable distribution of online coupons, online stores have lost control of their coupons. With the use of coupons for specific customer segments or centralizing certain offer coupons on a publicly accessible web, online stores can regain control of the distribution of coupons while fully meet the requirements of the most demanding customers, to implement a coupon "Win-Win".
by: dustinscott
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