How Beginners Can Use Visualization To Make Money Online

Share: Beginners find the make money online arena to be exciting
, terrifying, confusing, and stupifying. I mean, just look at the web. Remember when you were a green newb? If you are new now, chances are your mind moves at a mile a minute.
Hype. Inflated claims. People who tell you it takes 5 years to make real cash on the internet. All types of opinions, high energy beliefs, low energy beliefs, limiting beliefs, confusing you, empowering you, then frustrating you.
Kick all of this mental chaos out of your mind. Focus on this idea:
"Your vision determines how much money you make."
The opinions of other people have nothing to do with your bankroll. As within, so without. If you see yourself with a set amount of money - backing the mental picture with the PREDOMINANT FEELING that the scene *has already passed* - you acquire the amount of money.
But you need to persistently hold the vision in the face of appearances. This means, feeling you've acquired $500, or $10,000, or $1,000,000, when you might be generating a few opt-ins daily.
For some, this quantum leap feels impossible. Until you meditate and visualize for 40 minutes daily. Then the vision feels more real. Then you take breaks each hour, to see your vision in detail. Feels more real.
Eventually, you stop trusting appearances, and trust only in your vision.
Making money with visualization helps you prosper the lazy way. You work less, achieve more, move into effective acts and change lives with remarkable speed. You work on the within, instead of trying to control the without, and magical things happen for you.
Make Money Online with Visualization
At this point you have achieved a massive quantum shift. You live in your mental picture to make it come alive. You smell, hear, taste and touch your mental picture. Those emotions help you attract all you need to manifest the mental image, the picture goal to
make money online.
Action Step
Pick an amount of money. Let's say, $1,000. Sit still. Allow your mind to quiet down. Feel ten $100 bills in your hand. Focus on the texture of the money. Smell the money. Smells fresh. Count the money. See good ole Benjamin Franklin(if you are in the USA).
Feel the joy of having the money, and repeat a phrase to self that "I have acquired $1,000", past tense, all the time.
The Universe mirrors your predominant vibe. So if you feel it's happened within, it is happening now, in the without.
Your subconscious mind - the god-like part of you which attracts to you all that is needed to manifest your predominant mental image - does not know the difference between what is imagined on the inside and what is touched on the outside.
Persistence wins! Visualize 2 to 3 times daily for extended periods. 10, 15 or 30 minutes. Take 5 minute breaks each hour to ease your mind.
As you persistently visualize acquiring a set amount of money you attract the ideas, people and circumstances to make the dream manifest. You literally magnetize yourself to all good things.
The key? Act as if your mental picture has passed, meaning you feel these emotions in your vision and carry a calm, confident attitude in your daily dealings.
Acting As If
Study wealthy, high energy people. Do what they do. Mirror their attitude. Move into similar inspired acts. Act as if, and eventually, your persistent being creates a spectacular, abundant life.
You are not faking it. You are being it.
Make Money Online with Visualization - Summary
Live in your mental picture to make it come alive. Make money online with creative visualization to shorten your learning curve and prosper.
by: Ryan Biddulph
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