How A Player May Win Money Playing Blackjack

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Blackjack is a pretty easy game. Keep reading to see how player may win money playing blackjack. Each person at a table will be dealt two cards. Then the dealer will deal himself 2 cards. One of his cards will be face up and one face down. The up card and the players cards will be the determining factor on what to do next.
In order to win, the player must get as close to 21 as possible without going over or being beaten by the dealer. If you get a face and an ace, then you get blackjack and you win!
Players must follow the simple basic strategy rules in order to raise the odds enough in their favor to win money in the short term. When the dealer is showing a six or lower as their up card, then the player ought not risk "busting their hand." Always assume the dealer's face down card is a ten. Casino rules state that the dealer must hit up to 17 when they have a total of 16 or less. So unless the player has an 11 or lower, they should not hit and risk getting a ten and going over 21. Let the dealer take that chance and hopefully bust so everyone at the table wins.
If the dealer shows a 7 or higher, just assume the card they are not showing is a ten. In that case, play your cards as if you are trying to beat the dealers assumed total. There is a chance you bust, or go over 21 and loose your bet, but its best to give it a shot. However, never hit anything over a 17, unless it is soft (meaning composed of a six and an ace).
When the dealer shows a face card, they will check to see if their other card is an ace. They do this with a special mirror on the table. If it is, then they have blackjack and everyone looses. If it's not, play continues.
If the dealer shows an ace, they will ask if the table wants insurance. It doesn't matter what insurance offers you or what your cards are at this point. Insurance is what is known as a sucker's bet. Don't buy it. The dealer will now check her down card, if it is a face card, she has blackjack and everyone looses. If not, play continues. Play your hand as if the dealer had a face card up.
The casino may try to entice players with side bets for suited cards, etc. These are bad bets, don't play them if you want to win. They can be fun though and you can get lucky so if you want to gamble, then go ahead.
For the best opportunity, sit down at a table with one or two decks in play. Try and avoid tables with 6 or 7 decks being shuffled and dealt. That way its easier to keep tabs on the number of aces and such as you see them dealt out.
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