Whilst I cannot tell you with any certainty which stocks will go on to make the biggest gains in 2010 I can tell you the characteristics of the biggest winning stocks throughout history. And whilst there will always be some exceptions to these rules you will find the majority of the biggest winning stocks in 2010 will follow these rules. And what are those rules or characteristics of the biggest winning stocks? When I recommended TIE, TASR,ICE, HANS, NTRI, DRYS for 100%,200%+ moves to my subscribers they all had this: 1) Generally you will find the biggest winning stocks are all relatively new companies. Whilst I am not talking about new I.P.O.s (Initial Public Offerings) you will find the biggest winning stocks are generally less than 10 years old. 2) At all time highs. Look for stocks at there highest price ever. I cannot emphasise how important this is. EVERY stock I have recommended that has go onto make 300%+ gains was at an all time high in price. BUT you have to time your entry correctly. 3) They usually have a high demand, international new product that is selling like gang busters. If you ask your Average Joe on the street about their product they will know about it. I am talking about companies like Google, TASR (the new Taser gun) CROX (Crox shoes) HANS (HANS high energy drink). Failing this the product they are selling will have a huge story behind the product they sell. Like TIE aluminium (huge new orders for the new Boeing super aircraft that was sucking up aluminium prices) DRYS was all about a huge surge in bulk shipping rates. Theres a little more to it than simply finding these stocks. In order to profit you need to super time them. By this I mean you need to watch volume and price action in order to time your entry. But use the above criteria and you should get onboard some of the biggest winning stocks in 2010 and beyond. About the Author:
Mark Crisp The Weekly Momentum Stock Trader Since 1997.
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