Hot Infomercial Products: Smart Tips For A Happy Online Shopping Experience

Share: About 30 years ago, someone had the idea that we would sit in front of our TV and shop
. Turns out they were right. Ever heard of HSN or QVC?
Then someone else had the idea that we would be compelled to buy a product after watching a quick 30-second ad on TV. Ever heard of Billy Mays, Ron Popeil, Chef Tony or Debbie Meyer? These pros of the infomercial circuit helped turn infomercial products into the popular industry it is today.
Finding hot infomercial products online is easier than ever. But in some cases, shopping online can be just as big a hassle as calling that 800-number & dealing with an annoying telemarketer. But the convenience of shopping online in the virtual world is not always perfect either.
Here are 5 tips to avoid any hassles or surprises when shopping online for hot infomercial products:

Share: SHIPPING TIME: When purchasing infomercial products from TV, shipping time still seems to be the #1 complaint. Waiting 4 8 weeks for delivery is not unusual. Buying online can speed this process up, but thats not always the case. Most legitimate websites will proudly post their shipping policies in plain view for you to see. Take the time to read & investigate those shipping policies before ordering from any website.
CHECK YOUR BUGGY: Telephone operators for infomercial products are very well-trained in the art of up-selling. Upgrades, additional add-on items & even magazine subscriptions have become typical. That $20 item you called for could turn into a $60 or $80 charge in a hurry. And good luck if you have a change of heart & want to adjust your order. Shopping online has the obvious benefit of avoiding these telemarketing professionals & taking control of the buying process. You should still make sure you carefully examine both your shopping cart & your final invoice for things you didnt throw in the buggy.
AVOID SCAM ARTISTS: Whether youre shopping for infomercial products or boxer briefs, the online world is always going to present risks. Unfortunately, this is the down-side to online shopping. Dig deeper to find out who youre dealing with before buying from ANY website. Is there a phone number available for you? Do you see a physical address anywhere? Look for a Site-Security Seal. And if the site doesnt look professional, it probably isnt. It's only fair to know who you're dealing with & how to get in touch with them.
PROTECT YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION: Some infomercial companies out-source their call-center activities to companies that have the potential to share or sell personal information. This isnt unheard of in the online world either. Make sure you review the companys Privacy Policy. And if one doesnt exist, click away as fast as you can. A good practice is to look for a "site-security seal" from a reputable company. This seal is like an insurance policy in the event of a security breach.

Share: DONT BE FOOLED BY CONVENIENCE: Shopping online puts the customer in charge, so the convenience factor is always going to tip in favor of shopping online. Just a few clicks and youre out the door with no pushy sales clerk or operator to occupy your time. In fact, the last time I tried to order an infomercial product from the 800-number, it took 45-minutes for one simple purchase. But, dont let convenience stop you from making sure youre buying from a company that values you as a customer & wants you to come back, just like the store on Main Street.
Bottom Line: when youre shopping online for that hot infomercial product, take just a minute to research the website. Review their shipping policies, make sure the website is legitimate & check for their Privacy Policy before even thinking about buying. Because, as they say, the smart shopper is always a happy shopper.
ShopAtAsSeenOnTV.comby: Sherman Walters
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