Hope, Opportunity, and The American Dream!

Share: Hope, Opportunity, and The American Dream!
With all of the hoopla in the news about the economic downturn, it's easy to get wrapped up in the craziness of it all. People out of work, foreclosures, and high credit card debt. So what's to stop us from going over the edge? What good reason do we have to get out there and keep trying to stay above water? I'll give you three of them. Hope, opportunity, and the American Dream!
Let's start with hope, shall we? Websters dictionarydefines hope as; to cherish a desire with anticipation, to expect with confidence, trust. Trust, huh? Do you trust your employer to take care of you? Do you confidently expect that you will have a pension or 401k to take care of you into your golden years? How about desiring with anticipation for the weekend to end, so you can begin your work week and fulfill someone else's dream? Yeah, I didn't either! Working as the CEO of your own home based business provides you the chance to reach for your own dreams. Even though they say not to, get your hopes up! Go nuts!
How about opportunity? Opportunity is a favorable chance for progress. Are you in a dead end J-O-B with no shot at upward mobility, but you feel boxed in because they pay you just enough to feel secure? Well, first of all, security is a myth. There's no such thing. The only way to be truly secure is to create your own opportunities. The network marketing industry isn't the only way to do this, but it is the only way that the average person can honestly earn what they're worth. Sure there's real estate investing, playing with the stock market, and currency trading, but how are those venues making out these days for professionals, let alone the normal working person. If you want to succeed, you have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and take your own shot. This business can help you achieve those goals.Opportunity belongs to those who take hold of it!

Share: Finally, the icing on the cake, the American Dream! Now, stick with me here. Pro wrestling fans will get where I'm going. Dusty Rhodes had the nickname "The American Dream". His gimmick was that he was the son of a plumber who worked hard, and became the champion of the world! That's what we're talking about here. Having the chance to have a better life than our parents did if we want to work hard enough for it. Do you? Are you willing to submit to another person deciding whether you canrealize your full potential? I know I'm not! I hope you take this opportunity to build your American Dream!
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