Honest, Hard-Working Employees

Share: Most managers have had to live with dishonest or lazy employees at some point in their careers
. These employees selfishly squander your time and money, thinking you don't notice. They do a poor job or no job at all much of the time. You wonder how they held on to previous jobs with such poor work ethic. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt for a moment, just to be nice, and consider this: it could be that the personality you observe isn't their real or typical self at all. It could be that they are simply reflecting what they see around them or mirroring the judgements put upon them. To make honest, hard-working employees, we must provide a positive environment and treat them as though they already posses these qualities.
If employees see their coworkers slacking off, well, when in Rome... They will probably adapt and drop down to the same level. Even though employees know what is expected of them - do good, honest, hard work - it isn't encouraging to be the only one in the room striving towards excellence. If it's alright for some in the office to slack off, but not for others, it can lead an employee to resent his coworkers and the boss for the less-than-special treatment. Some employees could be great workers in a better environment but find it hard to perform if they feel slighted.
Additionally, if the employee is to excel, the boss has to yield some control, at least as a test, and trust the employee to prove himself. Even if you don't totally believe in the employee or think he is a guru in his field, if he is treated as though he is, he will now have the chance to perform at his peak.
If we treat people the way they are, we make them worse. If we treat people as they ought to be, we can help them become what they are capable of becoming. - Goethe
It is a tricky role to play, to balance what you observe them to be and what you expect them to be. Granted, this will not work with every employee; we simply cannot jive with every personality, but If you commit to being friendly and fair with your employees, treating them with trust and respect, you will give them the opportunity to live up to your standards so that they can become the employees that you desire. In general, no one wants to let down a friend that trusts and believes in him. If you can establish this report with your employees, they will be more likely to do a great job.
Honest, Hard-Working Employees
By: Peggy Emch
Zaproxy alias impedit expedita quisquam pariatur exercitationem. Nemo rerum eveniet dolores rem quia dignissimos.
2024-12-4 16:18
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