Home Treatments For Whiplash And Back Injury

Share: Whiplash and back injuries usually result from vehicular and fall accidents and are
often considered as minor injuries as they can be treated using home remedies.
Whiplash Injury
These injuries are incurred when the necks soft tissues (such as muscles, ligaments, and tendons) are subjected to great amount of pressure or force because of too much strain or abrupt head movement.
Causes: Assault, car accidents, stress and strain in the neck area, fall accidents, sports-related injuries, blow to the head, and child abuse (shaken baby syndrome).

Share: Symptoms: Symptoms for these injuries include neck pains and swelling, headaches, difficulty in moving the neck, muscle spasms, and pain in the shoulder and arm area.
Remedy: Patients are advised to apply cold compress for 20 minutes each hour within the 24-hour period after the accident or until the pain subsides.
Whiplash is also identified as cervical sprain or strain and hyperextension injury.
Back Injury
Just like whiplash injuries, back injuries are also caused by damage or abrupt force to a person. In this case, however, a person is in danger of suffering from spinal cord injuries which may cause paralysis and permanent disability.
Causes: Vehicular accidents, fall accidents, incorrect sitting position, assaults, abrupt and strong pressure applied to the back area, and sports-related injuries.
Symptoms: A victim can experience intense pain, muscle spasms, and numbness as soon as the trauma occurs. But in some cases, these symptoms may appear as late as 24 hours after the accident.
Different symptoms may manifest depending on the cause of the back injury. As soon as the accident happened, it would be best to have your back checked so that appropriate treatment will be applied.
Remedy: Back injuries will require immediate treatment. But if thats not available, it would help to place a soft protective material on both sides of the neck so that the movement would be limited.
Victims should be laid on their backs and avoid too much neck movement. If ever they need to vomit, position their whole body on its side so that they wont choke and at the same time, their necks wouldnt be moved.
When to Seek Professional Help
If the above treatment would not alleviate the pain, patients must consult with medical experts who can provide treatment to their injuries. Also, for victims of accidents, it is important to have themselves checked immediately to see if there are underlying causes for their neck and back pains.
Consulting with these doctors will be beneficial to victims especially if they are planning to file lawsuits against the negligent party who caused their pain.
Medical bills and findings can help to strengthen their claims for compensation. Victims should not be hesitant as they can reimburse all their expenses if they can prove the negligence on the part of the accused.
Another Expert Who Can Help
For victims of someone elses negligence, they must confer with their personal injury lawyer to strategically plan and file complaints against the negligent party.
These lawyers will be the legal representation of these victims and see to it that their every expenses and damages will be compensated accordingly.
by: Ivonne Jade Agustin
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