Home Self-Care Solutions that can be done to Assist in the Recovery Process for a Low Back Injury

Share: The first-line treatment for lower back pain is self-care at home
. It may seem counterintuitive, but extended bed rest actually makes it take LONGER for you to recover from a back injury. Also, spending too much time in bed makes it more likely you'll become depressed, develop blood clots, or become hypotonic. Back pain experts generally agree that bed rest for a back injury shouldn't exceed 48 hours. If you feel able to resume normal activities, you should do so immediately. While you should stay active, certain activities such as stretching or straining the back should be avoided. Limit your activities or contact your physician if your pain worsens.
Back pain can heal on its own, but steps can be taken to promote healing. Someone who has back pain should relax for a few days to allow recovery to start. Placing a firm mattress directly on the floor and lying down on it can be helpful. Use a wadded-up towel or cushion as a support for your lower back. Maintain a somewhat bent position for your knees, using a cushion to stay in place. The person with the injured back must get up and move every 2-4 hours.
There are actually things that can be done at home to alleviate back pain. When an injury occurs, you should apply an ice pack to alleviate inflammation and pain. At one hour intervals, ice must be put on the hurt area for a maximum of 10-15 minutes. Ice cannot be put on skin directly as it will injure the skin. After the injury has been given some time (two to three days) to heal, you can apply heat to ease the pain. You should use a heated water bottle, heat pack, or heating pad when applying heat. You should never turn the heat pad to the highest level, as this can be dangerous and can possibly cause skin burning. You can also take over the counter NSAIDS like aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen sodium to help alleviate the pain. The downside is NSAIDS have side effects like stomach upset and should always be taken with food or milk. The effectiveness of topical creams to the back is sketchy but for many people they still provide comfort.
A good way to get some relief from back pain is the use of a support belt. That said, these belts aren't designed to be a permanent solution. If you overuse these muscle support belts, it can actually cause the muscles to atrophy. One way to mitigate this is a belt that's specifically made to help with posture. Many cases of chronic back pain can be traced to poor posture. Remember, your back should heal naturally with the weight of its surroundings and any assistance should be applied only if needed.
Individuals with back injuries must sleep in a fetal position on their side, knees drawn up. You can put a pillow or cushion in between your knees to take some of the strain from your back. For those who prefer to sleep on their backs, put a pillow beneath the knees. A mattress should be firm and comfortable enough to provide support.
It is important to take precautions to avoid another injury to your back. Practicing proper posture is of great importance. Staying at a healthy weight is beneficial to back health. You can keep your back muscles strong and flexible by following a regular workout regimen. Generally, workout regimens to improve back health feature stretches and weight-bearing exercises. The "super man" is really a popular and widely used workout technique. Lie face downwards with your stomach resting on an exercise ball. Lift one arm straight out in front of you, at the same time raising the opposite leg up straight, and hold this position for 5 seconds. Now, let them down, followed by a repetition with the other arm and leg. Taking part in physical activity with minimal impact, like taking a walk or going for a swim, is also beneficial.
Home Self-Care Solutions that can be done to Assist in the Recovery Process for a Low Back Injury
By: Britt Caramen
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Home Self-Care Solutions that can be done to Assist in the Recovery Process for a Low Back Injury Alagoa Nova