New insurers research has shown some very interesting result that will scare a lot of you out there. The research focused on various ways in which damage is caused to property and Home Insurance claims are made. The statistic that we have pulled out is some figures regarding damage to property by neighbours.
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Now if your like us you will think that most roads in the UK will be living in harmony but the research shows that this is far from the case in many areas. The results show that damage totalling 246 million pounds is recorded as being caused by neighbours. Now before you start thinking that the streets of the UK are at war a lot of this damage is caused by accident or by botched DIY.
The research compiled by Direct line does report that the majority of incidents are from severed electricity supplies and not broken doors, windows and possessions. More interestingly the average cost of a neighbourly incident is around 541 which is quite a hefty amount.
Whilst the severed electricity supply did come out top of the pile when it comes to events the remainder of the list is covered with damaged walls, windows, gas supplies, phone lines and water. This research shows that relationships with neighbours can be quite fragile and then when doing work to your property you must take note of the potential effect to those living closely to you.
The research surprisingly stated that neighbours become closer after an incident, from our experience this is possibly as they might not have known each other before! With the average cost of an incident so high at over 500 most people will sort out any dispute themselves to save the cost of their Home Insurance rising. Whilst you might end up closer after the event is sorted we think a few relationships must start off being quote strained, espescially if your neighbour causes damage by botched DIY.
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