Holiday Stress: How to Relax Your Way Through the Season
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Daily Spiritual Insight from Eckhart Tolle'sStillness Speaks
In any given moment, we have a choice. We can be here inthis moment now, or we can allow our attention to be directed elsewhere.
Most of humanity seem to be unaware they have a choice.
Share: And indeed, until webecome aware that there isalways a choice, we reallydon't have a choice!
Eckhart Tolle in his bookStillness Speaks puts it this way:
Whenever you become aware of yourself "living for the next moment," you have already stepped out of that egoic mind pattern, and the possibility of choosing to give your full attention to this moment arises simultaneously.
The key words are that thepossibility of choosing arises. Nothing and no one can do this for us. We have to, in each moment, make the choice to be present or to be elsewhere.
If you find yourself rushed right now with the holidays upon us, you can make the choice not to dwell on all the things you have to do.
Instead you can give your full attention to what youare doing atthis moment, which is reading this blog. You can exercise the awareness to really take it in, sitting with it in the context of your life, instead of just hoping to grab a "tip" so you can rush on to the next thing you have on your to-do list.
An amazing thing happens when we choose to focus fully in the now. Somehow life seems to manage to flow and we get done what has to be done.
How can it be possible that, when we don't fret and worry about how we'll accomplish everything, things work out so well?
Eckhart explains:
By giving your full attention to this moment, an intelligence far greater than the egoic mind enters your life.
When Eckhart says this intelligence "enters" your life, it isn't that the intelligence isn't already present. On the contrary it's at the core of our being at all times. But it enters into ourexperience of life. That is, we actually begin living from this intelligence.
Much of the world lives on a sort of autopilot, quite unaware, doing things by rote, anxious without even being aware how anxious they are, detached from their experiences to a large degree. They are going through the motions.
There's a sense in which, when we become aware and give our full attention to this moment now, we experience a different kind of autopilot: a flow of being from the intelligence of higher consciousness.
It's a wonderfully relaxed, peaceful, joyous way to live. You find yourself loving each moment of life.
But that's because, in each moment, we arechoosing to come from awareness instead of unconsciousness.
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