Hip Joint Pain Treatment - What Is the Best Method to Get Relief?
Hip Joint Pain Treatment - What Is the Best Method to Get Relief
Hip joint pain is not at all a rare condition. It affects a lot of people and it can be the result of a lot of medical conditions. It is highly important to determine the exact cause of the pain in order to act accordingly and to put an end to it. Otherwise, the pain will keep on bothering you and, even worse, will aggravate. Arthritis, a disease that usually affects older people, is one of the most common causes of hip joint pain. It is a degenerative condition, so, under no circumstances it should be left untreated. The worst case scenario includes surgery for replacing the affected hip.
There are, however, other medical causes that result in hip pain. Tendonitis and bursitis are just two of them. The first one refers to the inflammation of the tendons surrounding the hip and the other one to the inflammation of the bursa on the exterior of the hip joint. Previous hip fractures or injuries can cause pain even after many years have passed. There are also childhood affections that cause hip joint pain in adulthood. Developmental dysplasia and perthes are example of such diseases that cause hip joint damage starting from early years of life.
Before starting any kind of treatment for hip pain, you should definitely ask for a doctor's opinion in order to identify the root causes of your pain. Only after having this information you, together with your physician, will be able to figure out what is best to be done. Sometimes gentle exercises and physical therapy is recommended. Anti-inflammatory drugs are the most common treatment method. Nevertheless, many people turn to herbal supplements that have about the same effect.
Boswelia and rosemary, for instances, are herbs with a high content of anti-inflammatory substances. Angelica is also very effective in case of hip joint pain because it contains, besides anti-inflammatory substances, analgesic compounds and muscle relaxant compounds. 250 mg of feverfew extract, taken daily, has a better action than some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Pineapple is a good choice for relieving hip joint pan because it contains a chemical known as bromelain, with a high capacity of diminishing inflammation. Stinging nettle, turmeric and wild yam are other examples of herbs that can be sued in treating hip joint pain.
Other sufferers choose to obtain relief by massaging the affected hip with analgesic essential oils. Lavender oil, rosemary oil and chamomile oil are relieving pain fast, while juniper and cypress oil are reducing the inflammation of the joint. Rumatone Gold oil is also recommended for patients with hip pain.
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