Newborns are constantly in the process of adjusting to the outside environment
. They face a big change from being within the warmth of the womb. This is why most babies sleep better with swaddling which closely resembles the warm cocoon of the womb. Being wrapped up in the warmth of natural wool helps the baby sleep better and deeper, making them restful and less fretful. A rested baby is a happy baby who will also nurse better and grow better. For a baby a certain level of weight gain is essential. A baby who sleeps better also reduces the stress levels for the parents.
Many parents deal with sleepless nights. It is part and parcel of entering parenthood. However, with the proper equipment and routine babies can be helped to develop regular sleeping patterns. Regular sleep and feeding are the two most essential factors to help your baby grow. Recent findings have determined that babies sleep better on natural materials such as wool. This is because it helps the baby breathe easily and wool regulates the body temperature. This ensures the baby is always at a comfortable temperature. Swaddling helps the baby feel secure and snug which is what all newborns need to feel.
The best way to reduce stress as parents is to completely understand your child. Avoid comparing the behaviour with other children as each child has a unique personality. Parents with more than one child understand this all too well. Just because one slept right throughout the night does not necessarily mean that the other one will as well. Yet even if your child is not sleeping throughout the night, by swaddling in a natural wool baby wrap or blanket you can ensure that when they do sleep, they sleep well. Always try and get your own rest when the baby is sleeping so that you will be refreshed when the baby wakes up and well able to deal with the work. Put normal routines on hold, as you start a whole new life with your baby and develop new routines. Before long you will find that you understand your baby's needs even before they arise and the rhythmic pattern of your lives will be soothing to both. It is also best to be prepared for the fact that there will be the off days, where your baby will deviate from the norm no matter what you do. Just learn to take each day as a gift and act accordingly.
by: Miley Kavanaugh
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2024-12-4 16:23