Hindi Translations...a Necessity For Global Business

Share: India is a growing economy where an increasing number of companies and multinationals
are opening their businesses in a highly rewarding and lucrative market. With the country now witnessing rapid economic growth, large corporations from the US, the UK, Canada and other developed nations are investing in India to capture a chunk of this booming market.
Especially, if your target audience lives in the large semi-urban, Tier II and III cities and rural areas of India, Hindi translations play a major role in determining how successful you are in penetrating this Indian market.
Although English is the medium of business communication in India, it is still essential to get Hindi translations done to reach out to the masses. People connect with your products or services when you communicate with them in the language they understand. That is where Hindi translations bridge the gap. Products advertised in English or other foreign languages might draw only the urban audiences. However, to appeal to the masses you will have to market your products or services in the Hindi language.
Spoken by more than 366 million people worldwide, Hindi is the national language of India. It is spoken widely throughout Northern and Central India such as Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand, and Jharkhand.
Apart from India, Hindi is also spoken in Nepal, Ireland, Bangladesh, UAE, Belize, Germany, New Zealand, Philippines, South Africa, Uganda, Yemen, Zambia, Singapore, Kenya, and Botswana. The presence of a large Indian diaspora in countries such as Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, the USA, Mauritius, and more has also contributed to the wide usage of the Hindi language. Looking at this vast number of Hindi speakers, it is no wonder that Hindi is the third largest language in the world after Chinese and English.
Hindi is an Indo-Aryan language which is written in the Devanagari script and follows a well-defined grammar. It is a rich language which has derived words from a number of languages such as Sanskrit, Persian, Arabic and English. Just like English or French, Hindi too is written from left to right. Although English and Hindi have both influenced and borrowed words from each other, translating from English to Hindi or vice-versa is still not that easy and requires experts to undertake the job. Get your translation work done from qualified translators from a translation agency which may be a Montreal translation services provider or a translation Vancouver company that will ensure that the highest level of accuracy is maintained.
Hindi uses the Devnagari script in which the dot symbol is used for various purposes. When a dot is placed above the letter, it indicates nasalization. Similarly, a dot is used below the letter to indicate inflexions of consonants.
Most of the punctuation marks used in Hindi are similar to English such as the comma (,), hyphen (-), question mark (?) and more. The only punctuation mark which is different from English is the sentence terminator. In Hindi poorna viram (|) is used instead of (.) full stop. While the other punctuation marks are similar, their usage in both Hindi and English is different. Translators have to keep in mind to not place the punctuation marks in the Hindi version as they occur in the English source text.
The two punctuation marks which are not used in Hindi are the colon and semi-colon. Therefore, if any semi-colons appear in an English source text, translators have to form the sentence in Hindi in a way so that semi-colons can be avoided.
That is why it is extremely important to approach a reputable and reliable translation company, be it a Montreal translation services provider or a translation Vancouver agency, which employs the expert translators who understand the complexities of Hindi translations.
by: Albert Carter
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