Herpes Information And Effective Natural Treatments
A group of disease which is caused by virus herpes is known as herpes infection
. Basically there are eight different types of herpes from which human get infected but two of them are main. They are herpes simplex type 1 and herpes simplex type 2. They are very common which causes cold sores and genital herpes.
Usually people get infected with HSV1 in very young age like at the age of 10. As soon as the virus enters the body then it remains there for whole life. Usually cold sores are the blisters which are filled with fluid and are painful also. Usually they occur on the lips, cheeks and nose. Genital herpes are caused by herpes simplex type 2. They are also very painful blisters which are filled with fluid. Area above the waist gets infected by the virus HSV1 and the area below the waist is infected by the virus HSV2. But it is not possible that virus may attack both the area. Either it will attack above the waist or it may attack below the waist.
Usually virus enters our body and goes into the latency period. It remains present in the cell but not in active form. But due to some factors the virus reactivates and then symptoms of infection reappears. These factors may be emotional or physical shock.
Usually when an infected person touches the uninfected person then spreads the cold sores. If cold sores are present on the lips then its risk of spreading increases. Usually it is transmitted by kissing. Basically genital herpes spread only by sexual contact.
It is not necessary that every person infected by herpes develop symptoms. Most of the people develop symptoms from two to twenty five days. In the later stage the symptom is most severe than in the initial stage. Usually it occurs in the form of red bumps which is filled with fluid.
To relieve from the infection of herpes one should avoid citrus foods, salty foods and all the other food which irritate the sores. You must wash the affected area at least twice a day with soap and warm water. You must wear loose-fitting clothing and it is helpful to wear cotton underwear. Apply the pack of ice over the affected area for 10 minutes which h helps in relieving the pain. Application of baking soda is also effective. You may also apply an ointment of zinc sulfate which is helpful in healing the sores.