Help Keep Your Family Safe Using These Dog Bite Prevention Tips

Share: The key to dog bite prevention is training for the entire family
. We need to train all members of our family - the human members and the dog members - about communication and how to act appropriately. Approximately thirty-nine percent of the US population owns a dog, so even if you dont have a dog, the chances are that someone you know does, and you will spend some time around dogs. Make yourself familiar with these dog bite prevention tips and teach your children the basics of dog bite prevention.
According to the CDC around 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs every year in the US. One in five people (thats around 885,000!) require medical attention for their injuries, and in 2006 more than 31,000 people required reconstructive surgery as a result of a dog bite. I dont tell you this to scare you, only to point how important dog bite prevention training is.
Dog bite prevention tips for dog owners:
Consult with a professional (reputable dog breeder, veterinarian) about you household and what dog breeds might be best suited for you.

Share: If you are planning on adding a new dog to your family, spend some time with that dog if possible before you make a final decision.
Keep your dog healthy by getting him regular vaccinations and check-ups. How your dog feels directly affects how it behaves, so make sure he is feeling good!
Properly socialize and train any dog living in your household starting when they are puppies, if possible.
If your dog develops aggressive behavior seek advice from a professional (veterinarian, reputable breeder, animal behaviorists, etc.).
Half of all children have been bitten by a dog by the time they reach 12 years of age. Most of the time these bites are by the family dog or another dog known by the child and many can be prevented through training and education. Never leave an infant or a young child alone with a dog, but even when adults are around, dog bites can occur. Teach your children to read dog body language and how to act around dogs. Remind your children of the following dog bite prevention tips on a regular basis.
Dog bite prevention tips for kids:
Never approach a dog you dont know. If an unfamiliar dog approaches you act like a tree this means to stay still, keep your arms down and dont make eye contact.
Before you pet a dog, let him check you out sniff your hand, take a good look at you - and then ask the dogs owner if it is okay for you to pet the dog.
Never run from a dog or scream when a dog approaches you.
Do not make direct eye contact with a dog.
If you see a dog acting strange immediately find an adult to tell about it.
Dont wrestle or play aggressive games like tug-of-war with any dog. He could get too excited and bite you.
Never play with a dog when an adult is not around.

Share: Never bother a dog that is sleeping, eating, or caring for puppies.
If a dog knocks you over, curl into a ball with your hands on tops of your head and lie still.
There are two keys to dog bite prevention: teaching children how to read dog body language and act accordingly, and socializing our puppies and dogs. When parents come to me looking for Anatolian Shepherd or Border Collie puppies for sale to add to their families, I use the opportunity to educate them about dog bite prevention. The tips in this article will help you teach the whole family how to respect dogs at home and around the neighborhood. Continue to remind yourself and your children about these important tips for dog bite prevention!
by: Harriet Pittman
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