Heel Pain, Heel Spurs and Plantar fascitis are all often described as "A sharp pain that hits when first standing from lying down or sitting position. A stone bruise type pain or burning arches may also accompany this condition. This pain seems to get better as you warm up or walk it out, but remains as a dull ache when standing for long periods. Pain usually returns in the morning or following rest".
This is an extremely common problem experienced by a wide variety of people. The most common cause for this problem is excessive rolling in of the feet ( over pronation). When the feet roll inwards the arch collapses and the foot elongates. This elongation stretches all of the structures on the bottom of the foot (ligament, muscles and nerves) causing heel and arch pain.
The plantar fascia is the main ligament on the underside of the foot. It runs from the calcaneus (heel) to just behind the toes. The plantar fascia helps to keep the foot from spreading out and rolling in.
When the foot is not properly aligned the bones of the foot unlock causing the foot to roll in. This places excess stretching stress on the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia alone is unable to maintain the arch contour and with overuse becomes painful and inflamed. With every step the foot pronates and elongates. This stretches the plantar fascia causing pain.
Docpods orthotics align the foot in the most efficient functional position and maintain the arches of the foot. This relieves the strain on the plantar fascia and reduces foot pain.
Docpods come in a variety of styles to suit almost any shoe.
Select your docpods orthotics from the products below to relieve your foot pain immediately. Don't put up with heel pain any longer.