Head Injury Claims

Share: The brain is very fragile, so any injury to the head has the potential to be a serious one if the brain is affected by it
. When the brain is damaged the victim can suffer long-term complications and any number of mental and physical disorders and disabilities.
If you have suffered a head injury which wasn't your fault, you may be eligible to make a claim for head injury compensation. Whether you can make a successful head injury claim will depend on a number of factors, including the type or severity of head injury and whether another party can be shown to have been at fault.
Head injury types
Protecting the head is the most important thing you can do to look after your own safety, because the likelihood is that if your head is injured it will have far more serious consequences for the rest of your life than if any other part of the body is injured. This is why cyclists should always wear helmets, particularly where other traffic is present, and why drivers should ensure their cars have fully functioning airbags to protect their heads in the event of a collision.

Share: Depending on the type of accident which caused it, the severity of a head injury can range from concussion to any level of brain damage and even death. Symptoms can include lack of concentration, fatigue and memory loss or, for more severe injuries, permanent mental or physical disabilities.
Road accidents
Many head injuries happen during road accidents, and if the other driver was at fault then a head injury claim may be possible.
In these circumstances the danger to the head is high, because on impact the head and brain can be jolted forcefully and move around in unpredictable ways. The head may strike the airbag or another part of the car on impact, and there is no way of telling how this will affect the delicate structure of the brain inside.
Even if there doesn't seem to be any obvious injury straight away, the force of the impact can lead to problems over time, for example if the brain was damaged in a way that isn't immediately obvious.
Slips and trips
An accidental fall for example on a wet or slippery surface, or due to an unexpected obstacle, can also lead to the head being injured. Often a broken pavement can lead to an injury, and if the pavement is in a public place then this is one of the circumstances which can lead to a successful head injury claim.
Medical negligence
If a doctor or other medical professional has been negligent and this has led to an injury to the head or brain, it may be possible to make a successful head injury claim against them.
Physical assault
Unfortunately, head injuries can sometimes be the result of a deliberate act of violence. Any assault which involves injuries to the head has the potential to be far more serious than assaults on other parts of the body, because of the complexity and fragility of the brain.
by: Jessica A Parker
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