Having problems getting pregnant? These reasons might be why!
Share: Having problems getting pregnant? These reasons might be why!
So the first odd reason I heard from my doctor is because of an excessive titled uterus. Yep, now who has one of those? Apparently It's normal to have a slightly forward tilt uterus ("anteverted uterus"), which is flexed towards the bladder, and about 1 in 4-5 women have a backward ("retroverted uterus") uterus, tilt towards your spine. Neither position in and by itself infers with your ability to get pregnant.
For starters, if you haven't already, you should start with a visit to your gynecologist. He will examine you and your husband to see if anything is medically wrong. If you've just gone off birth control, then you should also realize that it might take some time for you to get pregnant as your body readjusts to being off contraception. Most doctors say that you should wait three menstrual cycles (approximately 28 to 30 days per cycle) before trying to get pregnant.
Now to stimulate ovulation, it might be advisable to take Vitex or Chasteberry. This herb will help build up the hormonal levels and assist in helping the woman to ovulate. This herb will help to stabilize the body's levels of estrogen and progesterone, which will make it easier to get pregnant fast. Chasteberry will also assist in regularizing menstrual cycles.
Share: It's been suggested that women in California's Salinas Valley who are highly exposed to flame retardants have more trouble getting pregnant. The flame retardants, found in household furnishings, have contaminated dust and food. Women exposed to high levels of flame retardants take substantially longer to get pregnant, indicating for the first time that the widespread chemicals may affect human fertility, according to a study published Tuesday. So take heed in analyzing your own environment and seeing whether you are exposing yourself to any flame retardants which could impact your ability to conceive.
Also. research has shown that being overweight can also make it tougher to have a baby through in vitro fertilization (IVF), possibly by affecting the ability of the embryo to implant in the uterus. The exact reason for this is unknown. The good news is shedding the extra pounds before you try to get pregnant can dramatically improve your odds of conceiving and of having a healthy pregnancy. This goes hand in hand with the next point regarding smoking. Both quitting smoking and weight loss are attainable prior to conceiving.
Smoking is not only bad for your lungs and cardiovascular system. It's also bad for your fertility. If you are a heavy smoker, there is a big chance that you won't get pregnant. Tobacco appears to impinge on your fertility by reducing your ovarian reserve. It also contributes to fetal chromosomal abnormalities. Even if you manage to get pregnant, you are at high risk of miscarriage. If you are serious about having a baby you need to quit smoking and avoid passive smoking.
Share: To go along with the weight loss issue and troubles in getting pregnant, studies show that women with low thyroid have trouble getting pregnant, and that proper thyroid supplementation can help achieve pregnancy. Infertility is yet another hypothyroid symptom amongst many others.
At one of my talks, a woman told me she was having difficulty having a baby. She had a four-year-old son, and has been pregnant several times since then, but each pregnancy resulted in an early miscarriage. Repeated early miscarriages are often caused by luteal phase failure. The problem is common and is occurring in younger and younger women, probably because of embryonic exposure to xenobiotics. These women do not have trouble getting pregnant: their problem is getting the embryo to survive and not miscarry.
So as you can see, there are a bunch of variables that go into whether a woman can conceive naturally or not. It's best to take stock of your own situation and see whether there are any environmental variables you can change to help you get pregnant fast.
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