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Squidoo is a weapon that almost everyone should use. Squidoo is no longer a secret weapon but I am amazed that more people don't use it. Squidoo is not only an excellent tool for beginning internet marketers. Squidoo can serve professional marketers and those who wish to only blog on the internet. There really isn't any reason not to use Squidoo. Here is why I squidoo.
The first and most important reason for me is Squidoo is completely free. There are those who are blogging or whose Squidoo efforts are not meant to earn money. For those people being totally free is important too.
For those people just beginning to try and earn a living from internet marketing being free is equally important. Many new internet marketers are on a carefully watched budget and Squidoo offers opportunities to advance their internet presence at no cost while learning their new trade.
For those who are already making money from the internet Squidoo offers a free means to test new niches and ideas prior to spending their time and money building a website.
You are not held to one, two, three, Squidoo lenses either. Squidoo actually encourages you to build as many lenses as you wish to build. Some users have a hundred or more Squidoo lenses.
Virtually any idea you might have as a website can be accomplished by building Squidoo lenses.
The second reason I so love Squidoo. It is very easy to build a lens or website. If before you begin building your squidoo lens you take the time to write your text entries you really can build a functioning Squidoo lens in ten to fifteen easy minutes.
Squidoo lenses require a title, a brief introduction, one or more text modules, add in one or more of the profit modules like ebay, or Amazon publish and your lens is live.
Squidoo even goes so far as to create a table of contents and questbook for you automatically. Every time you add a module text or otherwise it is auto added to the table of contents.
Squidoo lenses are built by adding modules, there are dozens and dozens of modules available from text to video to polls there is literally no end to what can be accomplished using Squidoo.
The third reason I am so incredibly high on Squidoo lens building is SEO. Search Engine Optimization is vital if you want people to find your website using the search engines. The structure of a Squidoo lens makes it very search engine friendly.
The search engines have a great deal of respect for Squidoo lenses. Google loves Squidoo lenses and they can reach page one quickly and frequently.
A tremendous amount of that respect comes from knowing how well Squidoo polices the lenses. Squidoo lenses are seldom found to be spammy and the use of previously written or spun articles is almost non existent.
The search engines simply appreciate the high standards the people at Squidoo strive to and do maintain. That is a win-win situation for everyone.
Number four is help. As you go along building a lens, adding modules and filling in the information each module asks for the end result is. There is a pretty standard look for all the lenses. That is title, subtitle and description, some with pics, some with video some with simple text.
The use of html code will alter the look of your lenses a great deal. You really don't need to know any code. Simply check the answer deck. You will find the basic code for almost anything you could wish to do. It's just a matter of copy and paste from that point.
If you want to bold and color a line of text? In the answer deck you will find the code to do it. You honestly can make a very personalized lens without a lot of trouble.
There is also a forum. I have never had to wait more than an hour or so for some helpful someone to answer my question. The Squidoo forum really is great.
I could go on here raving about Squidoo but I won't. It is likely you are not using Squidoo if you have read this far. My suggestion to you is to hop over there and start using Squidoo. It won't take you long to understand what a powerful tool Squidoo can be for you.
by: Ryleigh Cantrell
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