Hand Surgery Singapore - Common Golf Injuries and How to Avoid Them

Share: Shoulder pain in a golfer might be caused by any of several different underlying conditions
, including: rotator cuff tendinitis, or a tear or impingement in the rotator cuff; A-C joint arthritis; or instability in the joint.
How do we avoid or minimize golfing injuries to the upper limb?
Spending some time with a Golf-Pro can go a long way to help developing good habits and technique such as proper swing mechanics and club grip. They can also provide advice to customize the content and frequency of your training sessions so that you can make the most of your time on the course and at the range, while still having enough time to rest and recover.
Investing in proper equipment that suits your technique, body type and gender, can help minimize excessive strains on the body, and allows you to enjoy the game even more.

Share: Avoid overtraining, but proper conditioning is important. Engage in other sports or exercises like running and cycling, swimming or going to the gym, between your sessions of golf. This can in fact increase your overall fitness and endurance, improving your game; while allowing different regions of your body the intervals it requires to recuperate.
And don't forget to warm-up before your game! Warming up before golfing has been shown to decrease the incidence of golf injuries. One survey showed that over 80 percent of golfers spent less than 10 minutes warming up before a round, but those that did warm up before playing had less than half the incidence of injuries of those who did not.
When should we seek medical/surgical therapy and what are the goals of treatment?
When pain or other symptoms persists despite rest, icing and simple pain medications, seek help from your doctor. Early diagnosis of the cause and proper treatment can make a significant impact on the speed and quality of recovery.
Treatment begins with clinical diagnosis, rest, medication, splinting, and simple non-surgical treatments. When surgery is required, minimally invasive approaches can now be offered. Doctors and the therapists we work with, aim to formulate individualized plans that allow a safe, comfortable and graduated return to training, and participation in their favorite sport of GOLF!
McCarroll J, Gioe T: Professional Golfers and the Price They Pay. The Physician and Sports Medicine 10(7): 64-70, 1982. McCarroll J, Rettig A, ShelbourneK: Injuries in the Amateus Golfer. The Physician and Sports Medicine 18(3):122-26, 1990.
Hand Surgery Singapore - Common Golf Injuries and How to Avoid Them
By: Dr. Jonathan Lee
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