Hampshire retirement did us good say county new-comers Sue and Steve
Hampshire retirement did us good say county new-comers Sue and Steve
Retirement in Hampshire or Dorset had been a long-held ambition of Sue and Steve Cooper from London once the children had moved out of the family home.
Now the couple are enjoying a new life close in the New Forest National Park in southern England, near the English Channel coast.
"Retirement in Hampshire or Dorset had always been our dream; we have always adored the sights and sounds of a rural setting like this." Steve said.
"After reaching retirement age I was left thinking: Now what?
"I ended up getting a bit down in the dumps; feeling that I had nothing left to offer or look forward to - but now I've opted to spend retirement in Hampshire I'm so busy that I don't know how I ever had time to work.
"Because we have taken the Hampshire retirement option I am now getting up early and finding new and interesting hobbies all the time.
Steve's wife Sue said: "Retirement in Hampshire has done us both good we just wanted to settle down and enjoy our lives now that we are older.
Sue Terry runs New Horizons, a life-coaching organisation based near Southampton, she said: "I'm obviously delighted for Steve who has taken retirement in Hampshire, but not all people are able to find their way in the world once their working lives have ended.
"When the pace of life inevitably slows, many people can sadly become very depressed if they do not gain enough positive stimulation from their daily activities.
"Some ofus will spend a third of our lives in retirement and a person needs to plan for those years" She added.
Retirement in Hampshire and the surrounding counties has always been popular for Britons who decide to ignore the Costas to pursue an authentic English country lifestyle.
Check out Hampshire retirement planning seminars offered by New Horizons!