Halloween Costumes Have Grown Up
Share: Do you remember how you got the Halloween costume that was your childhood favorite
? Maybe it was a cape and mask your mom helped you make from an old sheet or curtains that turned you into a superhero. Or maybe it was the paper star on a popsicle stick and cardboard crown covered in foil that turned you into a princess. Then again, it might have been the old prom dress and heels your mom finally let you wear.
As a teen invited to a Halloween party, you may have had the opportunity to make your own costume from a pattern. Maybe you selected just the right fabric in just the right color and your mom ran it up on her sewing machine. You might have put a lot of effort into that one special costume, and felt you looked spectacular in it. Maybe you even saved it in a box for your own children to use, if it's not too unfashionable by the time they're old enough to wear it.
The point is, you've had a great deal of experience getting a costume together. These days you have a few more options open to you than you've had in the past. For the modern party goer, there are all sorts of things to consider. You're older and wiser now, and have a few dollars to spend, or you can make your money stretch.
A savvy shopper can get great deals in second-hand and thrift stores. Often you can find vintage clothing items that are easy to use as costume pieces. You'll probably be able to put a whole costume together for a few dollars. The jewelry and accessories you can buy at a thrift shop will cost little more than a couple candy bars.
Share: If you want something ready-made, there are costume shops that cater to the theater. In general, you can choose from an entire array of pieces to fit nearly any theme. Often, sizes are adjustable to fit several different people, and if the costumes are good ones, they are fairly durable. Shops like this will often rent out their costumes to the public for a fee, just make sure to ask about the time limit, if insurance is needed, and if there is a cleaning fee so you aren't surprised.
To top it off, you have tons of makeup options. There is all sorts of makeup available online and at professional makeup and theater shops. If you need a scar or wound, use your search engine before you use your car engine. If you need a wig or a special mask, shop around online before going to your local costume or beauty supply shop.
You might find not only the perfect fit, but the perfect price, and all more conveniently than you ever imagined. Unless you really want to, you do not have to spend a lot of money to have a great costume. Makeup can be found at your local dollar store. Be imaginative, be creative, and let the fun begin.
by: Nick Messe
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