Halloween Celebrations for You and Me

Share: Halloween is one of my favorite holidays of the year
. Still, Halloween is not like Christmas or Valentines day. At Christmas and Valentines, we celebrate Jesus and the saints. This is not the case in Halloween. In here, we celebrate the souls of those who passed before us. Does that sound scary? Actually, it ain't so, for in reality it is really a fun celebration.
Oftentimes, Halloween, which falls on the last day of October, is confused with All Saints day, which is celebrated on the first day of November. In the 1600s, the word Halloween was first manifested. It represents a variant of the fuller Scottish term "All-Hallows-Eve", which is the night before All Hallows Day.
Today, Halloween is celebrated in many ways. However, not all people celebrate it, but for those who does, its traditions and importance varies greatly. Some nations have their own unique ways of celebrating Halloween although some follow the American way of celebrating Halloween for it can often be seen in iconic and commercial events.
Usually, Halloween is celebrated by parties in which participants will attend wearing different kinds of costumes. This is more prominent in the U.S, of A. The costumes are often like ghost, witch, ghouls but recently more costumes are being used such as characters from TV series, %LINK1%, space-themed costumes, and much more. Also prominent in the celebration is Trick-or-Treating, where children wearing costumes go door-to-door in their neighborhood asking for "treats" (usually candies) saying "Trick-or-Treat" to the homeowner. Usually the homeowners give the children candies, but if they don't the kids will usually do a mischievous but harmless prank to the homeowner, which is the "trick" in the phrase Trick-or-Treat. As there are many children wearing different kinds of costumes like %LINK1%, monster costumes, or Michael Jackson costumes, many enjoy this Halloween tradition, although some people feel that it is a nuisance.

Share: Here in the Philippines, Halloween is rarely noticed. However, especially in the urban areas, Halloween is sometimes celebrated nowadays. When I was a kid, we did not experience Trick-or-Treating, for at that time we did not know what it is. In my elementary days, however, we would plan a Halloween party, although usually on November, instead of the last day October. When we go to school that day, we would usually wear costumes instead of our uniforms. We would still have classes, but we would only take our exams and quizzes and then the teachers will end the classes early, after which we will have our party. These days, I see little kids wearing costumes (but more often in their casual clothes), asking for treats and candies at each house. But because some people cannot (or prefer not to) buy costumes, you will see improvised costumes such as a boy zombie wearing a "barong" while having lots of powder on his face, or a girl princess wearing a gown her parents probably got for a weeding or something. Character costumes like %LINK1% are not too popular here, but at least they have the spirit of Halloween. But still, like in the other countries, it's a lot of fun to watch!

Share: Although a lot of fun, there lies a deeper meaning on the celebration of Halloween. This celebration actually teaches us lessons about death and mortality. We should value our own lives, for once it's lost, it's gone forever. And lastly, enjoy your lives to the fullest.
Have a great fun Halloween!
Halloween Celebrations for You and Me
By: David Monks
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