Greening your payroll

Share: . Your company may have considered implementing a carbon management plan or working towards ISO or BS certification for environmental management standards. Good corporate citizenship programmes are becoming more and more prominent across the private and public sectors. All of that means the climate is right for reviewing your company's policies on sustainable development in a very positive way, across all departments. What you should have is an action plan to baseline the areas in which you are able to effect change, with a view to improving these over time and comparing annual progress with that baseline to show a positive trend.
Departments that lend themselves particularly well to being outsourced or being run as support functions across a web portal are HR and payroll. Outsourcing reduces your headcount and the related office space, heating and lighting. It also reduces the amount of office furniture, stationery, equipment and consumables needed, thereby reducing your carbon footprint. Similarly, providing a web portal for HR payroll and main HR functions reduces the dependence on staff and increases the shift towards the paperless office. Whatever the size or type of company, there are HR payroll solutions available that can revolutionise your company and help to develop its reputation for responsible business practice.
As part of the UK's leading HR and payroll agency with over 40 years experience and around 8,500 clients, Moorepay are well placed to provide you with expert advice and a choice of payroll solutions appropriate to your needs. We specialise in providing payroll services to SMEs including web-based and bureau or hosted services. Moving towards a more sustainable profile by using electronic HR payroll systems will bring more than just cost savings, it will also improve efficiency and allow you to concentrate resources on your core business.
Greening your payroll
By: Rutland
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