Grab Have Unparalleled And Super Stimulating Month Of Your Life, Book Get Wet In The Bahamas

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Bahamas Vacations: The Abacos
Fun times are in store for the family when arriving at the Abacos Islands for the Bahamas Vacations. Sailing and boating are some of the water sports that you can do here because of the calm and shallow waters and not to forget snorkeling, diving and fishing are also some of the things that you can do when going on vacation here. The perfect white sand beaches and private coves are perfect for sunbathing or swimming. Marsh Harbour has a nice vibe to it and this is where most of the hotels are as well as the marinas where you can rent out boats or use them for docking. The soft white sand beach perfect for strolling and tournament grade golf courses at Treasure Cay make it a nice place to visit with the family in tow. You would surely come back for more of this island after spending even a few days in it enjoying the great scenery and awesome beaches.
A Visit to Long Island on your Bahamas Vacations
Going on Bahamas Vacations never fail to excite us especially when we visit Long Island. The many diving spots found in the islands make it a favorite destination of divers. People who are just starting to enjoy this sport can dive the not so deep waters just near the shoreline to practice. Deans Blue Hole is one of the many diving spots that advanced divers should not miss. The beaches of Cape Santa Maria and Love Beaches will surely put you in awe for it is one of the most picturesque beaches there is and where you can find sand that is colored pink. A day seeing the archeological site inside the Hamilton Cave which was home to the Lucayan Indian tribe as well as visiting the ruins of the Dunmore Town where only the only remnants are crumbling walls and posts will let you appreciate the other areas of the island. Christopher Columbus is revered in this island with a 15 foot obelisk dedicated to him where you can have a great view of the island and the surrounding areas. Include this island in your itinerary to the Bahamas
Bahamas Vacations: Cat Island
For Bahamas Vacations you can either choose it to be luxurious and pay the price or you can jump in with barely the necessary things on your back and call it an adventure of a lifetime which is what youll get if you go to Cat Island. Taking advantage of its isolation, cotton traders from the west established plantations in Cat Island and today its ruins have become one of the islands main attractions especially if you take the time to climb up Mount Alvernia, the islands highest elevation at 206 feet; the breath taking view is worth the effort. Climbing Mount Alvernia is not that tough thanks to the stone staircase on Como Hill that Father Jerome Hawes took the time to carve by hand in the 1930s when he set out to build the St. Francis of Assisi monastery in the same location. In Bain Town, you can visit the Mermaid Hole; a small lake which locals believe is home to a beautiful mermaid. Be ready for a great adventure ride when you visit Cat Island.
Nassau and Paradise Island: Best Bahamas Vacations
Bahamas Vacations are centered on sand, sea, and sun but Nassau and Paradise Island are two places that you can enjoy nature but still see modern buildings around you. Walk through Bay Street, the oldest road in Nassau, and tire yourself shopping or gift hunting in the hundreds of stores and shops that line up this historic landmark; and while youre at it you must take note of the architecture of the area which is a hint to their past as member of the British Colony. Go to Dolphin Cay at Atlantis in Paradise Island and get to experience the mystery that has hounded inhabitants for thousands of years, the Lost City of Atlantis; snorkel your way through ruins and artifacts underwater with sharks and other sea animals circling around you. Dolphin Encounters on Blue Lagoon Island offers a unique experience to visitors of all ages; a very close encounter with bottle-nosed dolphins which can be done by swimming with them or just petting them while on platforms. Nassau and Paradise Island offers a healthy balance between nature and modern facilities.
by: Niall Gaston
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