Government Support for online gambling

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Government Support for online gambling
Online betting is pretty hot topic nowadays there are many interpretations on the legality of online betting/gambling. The United States government over the past 10 years has tried to impose regulations and sanctions with intents to protected potential gamblers and limit potential criminal activity. Also the federal government has serious concerns with regards to taxation of online gambling. Throughout the course of this brief discussion we will exam why it simply makes more since that the Federal Government whole heartily support online gambling, much the same way there is support for Atlantic City Style Casinos.
Ok we'll start with the realist and most pressing concern, which would be the protection of potential gamblers. Alright let's be honest that anytime money is entered into the equation than there will be dubious characters. It is for this reason that the Federal Government should like Rep. Barny Frank suggests wholly support online betting, because at that point it can be brought out into the full shine of the light.
The issue of criminal activity is a very serious one. In this day and age there are multiple types of criminals including but not limited to the following: Scammers, Swindlers, Money Launders and simple thieves. Scammers and Swindlers are obviously going to be a lot easier to deal with and fight against should the Federal Government endorse Online Gaming. Money Launders are by their very nature involved in other nefarious activities and would find way to launder regardless of online gaming.
And, now the issue of taxation! The current state of both Federal and State deficits it is very clear that these government agencies need to find way to raise as much revenue as possible. Let's take a small case study of NCAA college basketball tournament; it brings in an estimated 12 billion dollars of revenue per year. Of this 12 billion only about 85 million is collected in an environment where proper taxation can be acquired. At just 30 percent taxation the Federal Government would generate 3.9 billion in tax revenue.
At this point in time Online gaming is legal, yet with some legislation there is a small amount of gray area, the point of this brief article is to help promote the Government to end all ambiguity regarding online gaming, and support it my giving regulation that address consumer protection, and promote a safer environment for online gambling. For more on this topic and others take a look at the following website
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