. Before you decide to buy the package of eight GMAT practice tests you can test the product buy giving one free test online. Just visit the website and register with your email and password. You will be asked to verify your account. Look in your junk box if you do not find the email in your inbox immediately after you register. After verifying your account you will be able to give one FREE GMAT practice test online.
Login to the website to give your free test after you register by entering your email and password. You will start with the Analytical writing assessment which is the analysis of an argument. After that you will start with the Integrated Reasoning section. This section contains 12 original GMAT type questions.
You will get an optional break after this section. You can start the Quantitative section on your free gmat practice test after that. Here you will answer 37 original GMAT type questions in 75 minutes after which you will get another break. Then comes the verbal section on the test. On this section you will answer 41 verbal questions in 75 minutes. Note that the FREE GMAT practice test on this website is computer adaptive i.e. it throws questions at you depending on how you answered the previous question.
You will get a score for the test you take online on this website. This score is representative of the actual GMAT score. The algorithm and questions for this FREE GMAT practice test online has been prepared through careful though, intensive research and hard work.
When you see your score for the test you will be able to view each question with answers and explanations for all section i.e. the Integrated Reasoning section, Quantitative section and the Verbal section. You will also find useful statistics on the postmortem of your test, such as time taken to answer each question, difficulty level of each question etc.
The key is to enjoy what you are doing. To ace the GMAT you need to prepare well. And to prepare well you must at some level enjoy what you do. Enjoyment matters! Take your FREE GMAT practice test on NOW! What follows is a set of eight practice tests for the GMAT that you can buy on the website for a throw away price. Practice makes perfect!
Take your FREE online test on www.GMATcard.com so that you too can ace the GMAT as the founder of the website did. He made a 770 on his GMAT, nothing would make him happier that you working hard and bettering his score.