Global Warming May Make Human Beings Become Short In Height
US scientists find that the climate may determine the size of figure of human beings
and in the hot climate, human beings tend to become bigger and in cold climate they tend to become smaller. The United States academic journal Science recently published a report, saying that scientists have found that the current global warming trend may have an effect on mammalian body, and it even could enable mankind to become even shorter.
United States researchers at the University of Florida and the University of Nebraska found evolutionary history of the horse from 56 million years ago through the study of horse fossils. They found that the body size of the horse is in direct contact with the Earth's temperature. If the climate is warm, its size is smaller, and vice versa.
Researchers said the horse shape was initially similar to the Schnauzer dog and later the figure of the horse became very small, and then the figure significantly increased.
This trend is fully consistent with the changes in global temperature trend, that is to say, at the beginning of global warming, the horse has a small body, and later with the global cooling, the horse figure is significantly larger.
Scientists said that while the study found that in times of global warming, mammals were modest in size, but how does temperature affect the evolution of shape remains a puzzle. The global warming has been proved to provoke many troubles to human beings and to be short may be an additional unwelcome change as in many cultures, the big figure is viewed as more handsome than the smaller one epically to the males.
Professor Secord in University of Nebraska said, climate change is very slow over the past millions of years, with an increase of 16.2 c during about 20,000 years, but after the industrial revolution, carbon emissions have increased dramatically. The climate change over the next two centuries is expected to be more intense, and this means that the human height will become worse. In addition, it sis still a mystery whether the animal can adjust its size to fit the change of climate in a short time.
by: yudora
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