Children: Counter-indications Of A Global Tendency
Biological age does not always indicate the fertility level of a woman
, as it is a data which is always changing throughout the years, according to the changes in modern women"s life, in their diet and in their relationships habits. Not considering the fact that at the beginning of last century, global population has considerably increased and in most of Developed Countries, the average estimated life has definitely doubled.
Professor Neri Laufer of the Jerusalem University Hospital Hadassah Ein Karen has indeed said that tangible data confirms how in Europe and in East-Asia the birth rate is lower than the death rate, which means that in the year 2020 "" for the first time in the human history- the people which are more than sixty-five years old will be more than the children under five.
The increase of the estimated life for male and female patients" pushed the international medical community to the research on new strategies that could attenuate the effects of ageing on the body and on the cerebral mechanism and which can therefore guarantee a longer and better life.
One thing that doctors and researchers have not managed to do yet, are some operation to stop the women"s fertility falling graph, which decreases as they grow older; more than 50% of women which try assisted reproduction techniques are women who- for personal or professional reasons- have delayed the conception and so they have to face problems which most of the times are connected with the production of oocytes, which can lead to the formation of an aneuploid embryo (with chromosomes alterations), which in most of cases don"t implant or creates an abnormal foetus.
Gamete cryopreservation is a technique that don"t resolve the problem at all, but it can increase the pregnancy probability in women that do not want to have children in their high-fertility period. This techniques allows the preservation of oocytes in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196C and to date it is the only technique possible in order to use at the maximum level the ovarian stimulation; this is a field in which the research is spending a lot of resources, in order to increase the percentage of pregnancy which are around 10% for each defrosting cicle and of 12% for each patient.
Another topic on which the medical community is trying to create an awareness campaign, is the prevention of the men"s impotence, which in many cases could be treated promptly thanks to prevention and periodical visits; azoospermia could be often treated with natural or homeopathic products.
This disturb is considered as the main cause of men"s impotence and occurs when a man ejaculates less than 20 millions of spermatozoa in one milliliter of seminal fluid and it can be obstructive, when the deferent ducts are closed, or testicular, which is caused by a testicular failure. The pathology regards 15% of the couples which have procreation problems and in 60% of cases men are affected by obstructive azoospermia (fertile spermatozoa can be found in 100% of cases) and in 40% it regards men affected by the testicular type.
Article written by Serena R.
by: Serena Rigato
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