Global Warming Is A Major Environmental Issue, And A Few Helpful Tips To Reduce Global Warming.
Recycling is the most effective means to reduce global warming
. Rather than using disposable products buying recyclable products reduces waste since the product can be re-used and is not discarded as waste after a single use such as disposable phones, plastic cups and plates and other non-degradable products that end up in trash dumps and other junk yards remain there forever. Garbage recycle is a must for every home when you separate the garbage like paper, plastic, metal and glass it becomes easy to recycle.
Air Conditioners and heating systems used at home and offices produce a lot of carbon dioxide. The amount of carbon dioxide emitted everyday from the household fridge, cooling systems and heating systems disrupts the balance in the earths atmosphere due to the increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere it in turn causes the icecaps and icebergs to melt. The other major damage that is happening due to this problem is the depletion of the ozone layer.
Changing the regular light bulb to florescent light bulbs actually helps. When you replace a 60 watt normal bulb with a 60 watt florescent light bulb you save $20 while you use the florescent bulb because of the less power consumption double the life and the florescent bulbs emit 75% less heat. If every house in the U.S. happens to switch to florescent light bulbs it would reduce 100 Billion pounds of green house gases that is equivalent to taking 10 million cars of the road.
Switch to battery operated cars besides saving on the ever increasing prices of gasoline there will be less emission of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Opt for taking public transports, so it reduces the number of cars on the road which in turn helps in reducing traffic. Maintaining a good car by servicing it and changing engine oil regularly will reduce the harmful gases from automobile emissions. To check if the automobile tires are inflated to the right pressure helps by giving more mileage and in turn every drop of gas saved results in less pollution.
The increase in green house gases is mainly because of deforestation. People are clearing forests by cutting down trees to accommodate the ever expanding population. When you cut down trees and plants photosynthesis stops happening, photosynthesis is nothing but plants absorb the carbon dioxide from the earths atmosphere and give out oxygen. So when the plants and trees are cleared the carbon dioxide in the earths atmosphere increases drastically and oxygen levels come down which is really bad for us. So plant as many trees as possible and stop deforestation.
To play our part in conserving what is left we have to buy recyclable and eco-friendly products like home appliances TV, Fridge, Air conditioners and heating systems, Owens and other less green house gas emitting products. Educate others who live in communities that do not have education. These awareness programs will surly help in power consumption and less pollution. Avoid using fossil fuel as much as possible. Switch to solar power or battery power which is less harmful. Stop buying plastic goods. Use only biodegradable goods. Global Warming is like a bad disease that can be controlled. There are documentaries on global warming on The National Geography Chanel. Call you Cable TV provider to avail great Promotions and deals in your area.
by: Jaike
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Global Warming Is A Major Environmental Issue, And A Few Helpful Tips To Reduce Global Warming. Seattle