Important Tips For Shipping To El Salvador

Share: If you wish to do business in El Salvador, you need to look into your options for shipping to El Salvador
. Whether you are sending small packages with important documents that have to arrive quickly or large shipments of goods for sale or to customers in El Salvador, it is important to make smart choices about shipping your items. Fortunately, with the help of an experienced and reliable shipper with locations in El Salvador, the packing and shipping process can be simple and streamlined.
Whenever you are shipping internationally, you need to consider the specific requirements of your destination. Meeting these requirements, appropriately packing your item and including the right documentation ensures that your customers or partners in El Salvador will be able to receive whatever you send in a timely manner.
To help get you on the right path for shipping to El Salvador, consider these tips for meeting shipment requirements:
Choose the right type of shipment service. For instance, you can't send dutiable items to El Salvador via First Class Mail. A
shipping company can explain to you what shipping method is best for the items you are sending.
Include an invoice. If you are sending a gift that is valued at $50 or more, you must include an invoice and/or details about the value of the item. All commercial shipments, even if valued at under $50, require an invoice. Not only do you need to include an invoice with your shipment, but you may also be required to provide two copies of the invoice to a Salvadoran Consulate.
Include a certificate of origin. While a certificate of origin is not always required, if your item is exempt from customs duty or if you are charged modified duty under trade agreements between Salvador and the United States, then the certificate of origin will be necessary to prove where the item comes from.
Include the appropriate customs form. The form necessary will depend upon the items being sent and the fashion in which they are sent.
Pack your item appropriately. You want to make sure your item is secured so it cannot damage, packaged so that no leaks will occur, and wrapped to prevent harm to your goods due to any inclement weather that the package may come into contact with. Proper labeling of your package is also a key part of proper packaging.
These are just a few tips that can help make the process of shipping to El Salvador successful. If you work with a shipping partner that has experience sending packages to El Salvador, then you may not personally need to worry about any of these details at all. Your shipper will let you know what you need and make sure you comply with all of the requirements, simplifying you supply chain management and shipments considerably and allowing you to send items to El Salvador with greater ease than you might have ever imagined possible.
by: Christine Richard
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