Global Animal Health Market: Emerging Markets Driving Growth - Market Research Reports On Aarkstore

Share: The animal health market is growing, albeit at a slower rate
, in the recessionary economic phase. Two factors are working in favor of the industry pet owners love for their companion animals and the economic reasons for the treatment of livestock or farm animals.
The livestock segment, a high-volume market that represents around 57% of the international animal health market is guided mostly by economic concerns as the market has to meet the growing demand in protein requirements in developing countries. Increase in demand for protein inevitably leads to increase in demand for food-producing animals.
Emerging markets such as Eastern Europe, Latin America and Asia are witnessing an increase in share of the total pie of the animal health industry because of the increasing importance given to animal health by the livestock breeders. As these regions are showing very strong economic growth in the past few years, livestock breeders are giving due importance to the better management of livestock to cater to the growing nutritional needs of populations. But with various kinds of diseases reducing global animal production, animal healthcare is gaining significant importance. Emerging economies thus offer significant potential for animal health industry in the near future
The mature markets of North America and Western Europe, however, are supporting the growth of animal health market as these regions are characterized by strong growth, particularly in the companion animals sector.
The animal health market is highly concentrated, with the top nine players controlling more than 80% of the total market. Recent acquisitions of Fort Dodge (Wyeth) by Pfizer and Intervet by Schering-Plough have further consolidated the market.
The report titled Global Animal Health Market: Emerging Markets Driving Growth analyzes the two segments of animal health industry companion animals and livestock or farm animals. The study explores the matured markets of UK and the UK and also the emerging markets of China, India and Brazil. The factors that are likely to drive the overall animal health market have been analyzed. Also, the performance of four major players Pfizer, Schering-Plough, Merial and Bayer in the animal health industry has been assessed.
Further, we have predicted the future growth of the animal health market by combining SPSS Inc.s data integration and analysis capabilities with our relevant findings. We employed various significant variables that have an impact on this industry and created regression models with SPSS to determine the future direction of the industry.
Table of Contents :
1. Global Animal Health Market
1.1 Size and Growth
1.2 Market Size by Segment
2. Segment Analysis
2.1 Livestock segment
2.2 Companion Animals Segment
3. Product Segmentation
4. Growth Drivers
Animal healthcare economics more favorable
Regulations favor growth
Increasing demand for animal protein
Huge market potential in veterinary vaccines segment
The 'pet parent' phenomenon
5. Market by Geography
5.1 US Market
5.1.1 Market Size and Growth
5.1.2 Growth Drivers
5.2 UK Market
5.2.1 Market Size and Growth
5.2.2 Growth Drivers
5.3 Emerging Markets
6. Distribution Chain Animal Health Products
7. Competition
8. Leading Companies
8.1 Pfizer Animal Health
8.1.1 Company Description
8.1.2 Key Products
8.1.3 Sales Analysis
8.2 Schering-Plough
8.2.1 Company Description
8.2.2 Key Products
8.2.3 Sales Analysis
8.3 Merial
8.3.1 Company Description
8.3.2 Key Products
8.3.3 Sales Analysis
8.4 Bayer Animal Health
8.4.1 Company Description
8.4.2 Key Products
8.4.3 Sales Analysis
9. Market Outlook
9.1 Market Forecast
9.2 Forecast Methodology
9.2.1 Dependent and Independent Variables
9.2.2 Correlation Analysis
9.2.3 Regression Analysis
List of Figures
Figure 1.1: Global Animal Health Market Size: 2002-2008
Figure 1.2: Animal Health Market Growth (%) Value & Volume: 2002-08
Figure 1.3: Global Animal Health Segment break-up (Percentage): 2008
Figure 1.4: Global Animal Health Segment break-up (Value): 2008
Figure 2.1: Animal Health Market by Sub-segments: 2008
Figure 2.2: Livestock - Sub-segments- Value & Growth: 2008
Figure 2.3: Companion Animals- Value & Growth: 2006-2008-2011
Figure 3.1: Animal Health market by product segments: 2006-2008
Figure 4.1: World meat (beef and veal) consumption: 2006-18
Figure 4.2: Veterinary Vaccine Segment: Market Share
Figure 5.1: Animal Health market by geography: 2006-2008
Figure 5.2: US Animal Health Market Size & Growth: 2002-2008
Figure 5.3: US Pet Ownership (Dogs & Cats) by Households: 2001-2008
Figure 5.4: US Pet Industry Expenditures: 2002-2009E
Figure 5.5: US Population Aged 45-64: 2004-2010E
Figure 5.6: Number of veterinary practices in the UK: 2004-2008
Figure 5.7: Number of UK Households Owning Pets (Pet Break-up): 2008
Figure 5.8: Spending on pets in UK (Annual household spend): 2002-2007
Figure 5.9: Animal Health Market Brazil-China-India: 2008
Figure 6.1: Value chain for companion animals
Figure 7.1: Leading Animal Health Companies Market Share (2008)
Figure 8.1: Merial Sales of joint venture products: 2006-08
Figure 8.2: Merial Animal Health-Sales Estimate: 2009-2012
Figure 8.3: Bayer Consumer Health: Sales by Segment: 2007-08
Figure 9.1: Global Animal Health Market Forecast: 2009-2012
List of Tables
Table 5.1: Leading countries Companion animal population
Table 5.2: Total Number of Pets Owned in the U.S. (millions): 2008
Table 5.3: Number of U.S. Households Owning Pets (millions):2008
Table 7.1: Top Nine Animal Health Companies (Ranking by Sales 2008)
Table 7.2: Leading Animal Health Companies: Focus Areas
Table 8.1: Pfizer Animal Health Sales by segment: 2006-08
Table 8.2: Schering-Plough Sales by Segment: 2006-08
Table 8.3: Bayer Animal Health: Key Products
Table 9.1 Dependent & Independent Variables (2002 2008)
Table 9.2 Correlation Matrix
Table 9.3 Model Summary Coefficient of Determination
Table 9.4 Regression Coefficients Output
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